Drones4Safety kick-off in the media (selected coverage)
Drones will monitor infrastructure, TV Avisen Morgen (00.26.50 og 01.49.12), 14. June, 2020 (in Danish)
Drones with artificial intelligence will surveill bridges and railways for cracks by themselves, DR Radioavisen P1/P4 kl. 9 (00:01:36), 14. June, 2020 (in Danish)
New research project on drones to help check cracks, DR P4 Regionalenyheder (fra start), 14. June, 2020 (in Danish)
Smart drones is going to check bridges and railways for cracks themselves, Berlingske Tidende 14. June, 2020 (in Danish)
Clever drones must check cracks in bridges and railways themselves, www.borsen.dk, 14. June, 2020 (in Danish)
Clever drones are going to check for cracks in both bridges and railways all by themselves, Avisen.dk, 14. June, 2020 (in Danish)