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Course Committees

Course committees have been established for each of the PhD School's PhD programmes – but one collectively for Political Science and Journalism – and an interdisciplinary course committee for Social Science. Course committees comprise three to five representatives for scientific staff for the academic field in question. Course committee members are appointed by the PhD committee on the recommendation of heads of department. The representative for the academic field in question on the PhD committee is an ex officio member and chairperson of the course committee.

The course committee for Social Science comprises the chairpersons of the four other course committees and is chaired by the chairman of the PhD Committee. The following course committees have been appointed:

Course committees function as representatives for the scientific staff on the PhD committee and evaluate applicants in connection with the enrolment of PhD students. The Head of Department can add an expert from the department to the respective course committee in connection with such evaluations. Course committees can be consulted in connection with important academic issues, including individual issues, by the PhD committee and the Head of PhD School.

Last Updated 15.03.2024