Joint imaging at SDU
SDU imaging is a cross faculty initiative among the faculties of Engineering, Science & Health with the goal to stimulate and expose imaging activities and techniques available at SDU.

Bioimaging applying state of the art techniques and analysis to obtain quantitate spatiotemporal information on a variety of specimens.

Using computers to simulate physical phenomena via models, we analyze experimental results or numerically solve equations to learn about everything from molecules to the entire universe.

The Core Facility offer clinically relevant translational in vivo imaging using different imaging modalities, PET/SPECT and CT.

Understand characteristics and defects of materials and surfaces of products and components. Benefit from research competences and facilities for advanced materials analysis.

Materials sciences' research includes applications for one, two and three dimensionally structured devices, giving an understanding of materials.

Time-resolved laser spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, reflection/transmission spectroscopy, temperature-dependent spectroscopy, diffuse reflection spectroscopy.
Research at the Faculty of Engineering
The research at the Faculty of Engineering unfolds new opportunities and adresses global and regional challenges.
Research at the Faculty of Health Sciences
Research that will help improve human health.
Rsearch at the Faculty of Science
We contribute to global knowledge while meeting the needs of local, regional and national communities.