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Gemma Derrick

Senior Lecturer and Director of Research, Gemma Derrick
Department of Educational Research, , Lancaster University, U.K.


Keynote:  Mapping the career choices and consequences after first failure

In this presentation, the results of a collaborative endeavour between Lancaster University, Proposal Analytics and The Wellcome Trust into the links between reviewer feedback and applicant future success after failing to win a grant will be examined.  It tests, what is known as the ‘Derrick-Klavans” hypothesis which looks at the value Early Career Researchers find in signals send through reviewer feedback when they fail to achieve funding at the first application.  The results aim to change the perspective of peer review as a selection mechanism only, to one that emphasises its ability to foster careers and therefore ultimately change  research culture.



Gemma is a Senior Lecturer and Director of Research at the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University in the U.K.  Gemma’s research focuses of elements of research culture and academic behaviour within different audit frameworks, which includes peer review and the UK’s Research Excellence Framework.  Her book, The Evaluators’ Eye: Impact assessment and academic peer review was published in 2018.

Last Updated 19.02.2024