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Newsletter June 2010

Newsletter 1/2010 from FAME

New dates for Ph.D Course on ‘The Economics of Marine Resources ’

Ph.D. Course on: ‘The Economics of Marine Resources’ will be held in Esbjerg, Denmark, 24-28 January 2011. Guest lecturers: John Tschirhart, University of Wyoming, Dale Squires, NOAA and UC San Diego and Niels Vestergaard, University of Southern Denmark. The primary aim of the course is on Ecological-Economic Modeling of the Marine Environment - Models and Management. See the invitation on FAME’s website.

The Ph.D course was planned to be held in April 2010 but it got cancelled due to the situation with the clouds of ashes from the erupted Volcano on Iceland.

New Ph.D student at FAME

Hans Ellefsen from Faroe Island is a new Ph.D student at FAME. His Ph.D project investigates the stability over time of the agreements made on shared fish stocks between coastal states. The case study is pelagic fish stocks in the North East Atlantic Ocean. These stocks are source of great conflicts between the coastal states (Iceland, Norway, Faroe Island) around this ocean. Fisheries economics and in particular game theory is used to study these conflicts. Associate professor Lone Kronbak from Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark is the supervisor for the project and Professor Hannesson from The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen is co-supervisor. Read more about the project on FAME website.

New Post doc Lars Ravn-Johsen

Lars Ravn-Jonsen started as Post.Doc. January 2010 at FAME and Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark. He will work on the EU funded projects FACTS – Forage Fish Interaction, and the MariFish project DefineIT - Developing Fisheries Management Indicators and Targets, and the Danish Council for Strategic Research funded project MaFia - Integrated Management of Agriculture, Fishery, Environment and Economy.

Ph.D Course in Helsinki ‘Strategic behaviour in fisheries: Application of coalition games’

This course will be held in Helsinki, Finland September 6-10, 2010. Lecturers are: Marko Lindroos, University of Helsinki, Pedro Pintassilgo, University of Algarve, Lone Grønbæk Kronbak, University of Southern Denmark, Veijo Kaitala, University of Helsinki. The course is kindly sponsored by the Nordic Marine Academy.

Ph.D course on Choice Modelling was very popular

FAME organized a Ph.D Course on: “Choice Modelling’ in Esbjerg, Denmark in May 2010 with 27 participants from 9 different countries. Guest lecturers were; Wolfgang Haider from School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, Canada and Roy Brouwer from Department of Environmental Economics, IVM Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, University Amsterdam. See presentations from the guest lecturers from the Ph.D course on FAME’s website if you are interested.

More information on FAME’s homepage:

Have a nice summer

Editing was completed: 12.06.2010