Most courses are offered at advanced bachelor level, being able to fit students from both masters or the final part of their bachelor. Some are offered at master level.
Please check the individual course descriptions for possible prerequisites and remember to see at which campus it is offered.
Course areas
Business, Economics, and Social Sciences
AI and democracy: Ensuring legit-imacy | Decision, Persuation and Negotiation | Introduction to R
Chemical Biology | Principles and Applications of PCR Technologies
Civil and Architectural Engineering
Experimental Architecture with Computational Design and Digital Fabrication | Cities and Climate Change
Engineering Physics
Next-Generation Photonic Technologies (Nanophotonics)
Environmental Engineering
Engineering for Sustainability
Health Sciences
Embodied Cognition and Cultural Practices | Health and Sports Tech Academy of Value Creation – Intra- and Entrepreneurship | Digital Health – Using Wearable Devices in Research and Clinical Practice
Healthcare Engineering
Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Data
Innovation and Design Engineering
Engineering Imagination
Manufacturing and Management Engineering
Project Management
Robotics and Drone Technology
Applied Composite Drone Manufacturing | Drones for Computer Vision Applications | Robotics: Fundamentals and Applications
Software Engineering and Computer Science
Continuous Delivery and DevOps | CyberSafe: Mastering the Art of Cybersecurity | Deep Learning