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Programme structure

The master programme is a two-year programme on top of a relevant bachelor degree.

First and second semester

In the first year of the master programme you will work theoretically and experimentally with Advanced protein and natural product technologies, Techno-economic assessment of process technologies, Sustainable Engineering, Risk Management in Chemical and Biochemical engineering , Industrial Separation and Purification technologies, Advanced Experimental Design and Data Analysis, Industrial Fermentation and Modelling of Bioprocesses and 10 ECTS elective course, as System Analysis – Life Cycle assessment, Modelling and Optimization of Advanced separation Processes, Applied Physical Chemistry, Advanced Biotechnology, Individual Study Activity, and many more available in related programmes. 

This will provide you with a broad foundation which qualifies for many different jobs.

Third semester

In the second year you will have Atmospheric chemistry and climate change and Methods in science as mandatory courses and different possibilities for elective courses. If you choose to apply for a 40 ECTS master project, 10 ECTS will be used during this semester leaving 10 ECTS available for electives. If you choose a 30 ECTS master project, in the third semester you need to cover 20 ECTS. As an alternative to traditional elective courses, 15 ECTS can be covered with an In-Company project.

During the 3rd semester you have also the possibility to spend the semester abroad. 

Fourth semester

The last semester is dedicated to the master thesis. You will choose the subject yourself. The master thesis will typically be carried out in one of the research groups and/or in cooperation with an industrial company

Example of a timetable

Under here you can see an example of a timetable for students at this programme. There are of course breaks through out the day, for instance the academic quarter and lunch breaks.


Techno-economic Assessment of process technologies
08:00 - 12:00

Protein and bioproducts technologies
08:00 - 12:00

System Analysis - Life Cycle Assessment
08:00 - 12:00

Modelling and optimization of advanced separation processes
08:00 - 12:00

Method in Food and Soft Matter
12:00 - 16:00

Naturstofkemi og Farmakognosi
12:00 - 14:00

Energy System Analysis - tools and cases
12:00 - 16:00

Protein and bioproducts technologies
12:00 - 16:00

Energy System Analysis - tools and cases
12:00 - 16:00

See more examples of weekly schedules here.