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Who pays tuition fee?

  • Non EU/EEA students in full degree programmes
  • All guest students who's studies are not related to an exchange agreement

How and when to pay

Payment instructions is sent to your listed email after you have accepted admission to SDU.

It is possible to pay by credit card or bank transfer. Please note that if you pay by bank transfer, it may take up to 21 days before your payment is registered. This may slow down the process of applying for your student visa since SDU cannot initiate the application process before the payment is registered. 

Tuition fee rates

Guest students
Full degree students

You will find the tuition fee rate listed when reading about a specific study programme. You can also see the tuition fee rates for programmes under each faculty: 

Payment deadline

For students commencing their first semester of studies the payment deadlines are:

September intakes:

  • Invoices sent until April 30 – 1 month after issuance
  • Invoices sent as of May 1 – 14 days after issuance

February intakes:

  • 14 days after issuance – regardless of when the invoice has been sent

The early payment ensures your spot at the university and is vital in your application for a residence permit.

For students already enrolled at SDU, the payment deadline for the fall semester is 15 August and for the spring semester 1 January.

If the fee is not paid by this date, the admission will be cancelled. Please note, that it is not possible to extend the deadline or pay in instalments.

The payment for each semester is a condition of your enrolment at the University of Southern Denmark. If your enrolment remains cancelled, we are obliged to notify the Immigration Service about this, and you will lose your residence permit.


The tuition fee covers educational expenses, such as courses, academic supervising, issuing of diplomas, exams, etc. Please note that tuition does not cover equipment for the exam such as computers, printers, calculators, or the like.

Conditions of payment

Your study programme comprises a certain amount of ECTS credits. A semester’s workload equals 30 ECTS credits (3 – 30 per course). You must pay in advance of each semester and continue to do so until the completion of your degree. The fee cannot be paid in installments.

For enrolled Bachelor's students:
If you get permission to follow Master’s level courses prior to completing your Bachelor’s degree, you must pay the tuition fee for the Master’s level courses (the price of one semester). This means that if you have not paid for all the semesters of your Bachelor’s degree, you will be required to pay tuition fee for both the Bachelor’s- and Master’s level courses.

Payment is only possible in Danish Kroner (DKK) or Euro (EUR).

Correct amount:
It is your responsibility to make sure that the transferred/paid amount is correct. We do not reimburse the difference if you have paid too much. We recommend that you check the currency conversion and make sure that any fees are paid in addition to the tuition fee.


Rights and obligations

During a semester, you have the right to complete as many activities offered within the program (projects and/or courses) as you wish. If you complete activities for less than 30 credit points per semester you must also pay full tuition.

If you do not complete your studies within the normal period of study, you have the right to complete your studies in the course of another academic year without paying tuition fees as payment for the full degree has already been made. Make sure to contact the payment office if this becomes relevant for you.

SDU is obligated to notify Immigration Services if you are delayed with more than 60 ECTS in your studies.


If you cancel your enrolment after having paid the tuition fee, and the semester has started, the University of Southern Denmark will not reimburse the tuition fee except in cases of exceptional unforeseen circumstances such as:

  • failure to meet the entry requirements
  • lack of residence permit, e.g., if SIRI rejects your application for a residence permit – unless they do so because your enrolment is cancelled by SDU. 
  • serious illness
  • national service
  • pregnancy

Please note that you will not be reimbursed for the semester that has started if your enrolment is cancelled due to failed tests/exams, e.g., study start tests or exhausted exam attempts. Likewise, if you have appealed a rejection of your application for a residence permit and continue in the program until the new decision has been made.

Each case will be treated individually. Written documentation must be handed in before reimbursement can take place. When applying for reimbursement, state your full name, CPR, reasons, and documentation for cancelling your studies. Documentation means a doctor’s note, death certificate, etc.

The original and signed document, as well as the English or Danish translation by a notary, MUST be handed in before 1 December for the Fall semester / 1 April for the Spring semester. Please state your NEM account number (if in Denmark) or your international account number, SWIFT, and IBAN codes as well.

When refunding Tuition fees, the following rules apply:

  • The refund is made to the same person who made the payment.
  • Bank receipt for the payment must be sent (it is important that the account number to which the payment was made is visible)

SDU must also have the following information to make the refund:

Countries with an IBAN number:

  • IBAN number and swift code
  • Name of account holder

Countries without an IBAN number:

  • Name of account holder
  • Account number
  • SWIFT code + routing no.

Leave of absence

It is possible to apply for a leave of absence in case of exceptional circumstances. It is not possible to obtain a refund of tuition fees for a semester that has already commenced (e.g. if performance at examinations does not live up to expectations) except in case of serious illness and death (partner or member of immediate family).

You must inform the university about the leave of absence. If you are granted a leave of absence, you remain enrolled at the university. You cannot, however, take part in lectures or exams as long as you are on leave. Please note that you will still continue to pay for your tuition fee during your leave of absence. 

Please also be aware that your residency permit will be cancelled while you are on leave, and you must reapply when you wish to continue your studies. You are subject to the general rules of leave of absence at the university during your leave. Make sure to read the rules.

Credit transfer

It is possible to apply for a reduction in the tuition fees if you have courses in addition to your qualifying exam that could count towards the degree you study at the University of Southern Denmark. The reduction will not take place until the last semester of your degree.

Study abroad

If you plan to study abroad as part of your studies at SDU, please note:

  • If a student studies abroad through a partnership/exchange agreement, he or she must still pay tuition fees to the University of Southern Denmark
  • If a student studies abroad outside a partnership/exchange agreement, he or she does not have to pay tuition fees for the amount of ECTS point that can be approved by the study board. The student will pay the tuition fees to the University of Southern Denmark in advance and then be reimbursed for the amount, which equals the approved ECTS.

Actions when failing to pay tuition fees

If you fail to pay your tuition fees within the deadline, your enrolment at the university will be cancelled.
SDU will then notify SIRI that you are no longer an active student at the university.

Payment in case of changed residence status in Denmark:

If you are granted a permanent residence permit in Denmark during a semester, you must pay tuition fees until the following semester.

If your status changes during a semester to the effect that you no longer hold a permanent residence permit in Denmark, tuition fees must be paid from the following semester.  You are required to provide the university with documentation of any such change of status.

To apply for reimbursement or reduction due to credit transfer, please contact the Payment Office via mail: However, note, that it is necessary to apply for credit transfer at your Study Board before you can apply for a reduction in tuition fees by means of credit transfer.

How does Brexit affect you?

Check the detailed information given by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in Denmark.

If you would like to make use of a loan or financial aid programme in your home country, which requires SDU to participate in the process, please contact us prior to making the first tuition fee instalment to ensure that we are able to help you.

Please contact us at

Last Updated 03.12.2024