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Welcome to new senior researcher at CMSS

Strengthening of the maritime research at CMSS

Recently, CMSS welcomed senior researcher Lisa L. Froholdt. Lisa has a Diploma in Psychology and a M.A. in Educational Psychology, and she completed her PhD in Human Factors at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Her research foci are: Human Factors, Maritime Education, Psychology in non-routine situations, Corporate Social Responsibility & Anti-corruption, and Disruptive Innovation.

Lisa has worked with educational development in a range of managerial positions and assisted shipping companies in organization optimization, personal/team psychological analyses, bridging knowledge and projects between the industry and academia. She began her teaching career at SDU of Master students in the Master of Transport and Maritime Management education and of Master Mariner students at The Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC). 

Lisa worked at SDU and Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden before joining the United Nations specialized Agency, World Maritime University (WMU) Faculty in 2013. She has participated in a range of EU funded projects, such as The Northern Maritime University project, KNOW-ME, MONA LISA II and TRAINMOS. Lisa has also taught across specializations at WMU in her research focus areas and worked in different research projects, such as the International Transport Federation’s large psycho-social education programme, called MARI-WEL, and was part of the Faculty on DNV-GL’s post graduate Executive Maritime Management programme. 

Lisa was Principal Investigator on the CORA anti-corruption project, which was funded partly by Maersk Line and partly by the A.P Møller Fund. The project included three sea passages in Maersk Line, namely with Maersk Gerd, Maersk Avon and Maersk Lota. She created the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the Anti-corruption courses at WMU, encompassing the address of Sustainable Development Goals, 14 and 16. She is editor of two books published at Springer Publications; “Maritime Women; Global Leadership” and “Corporate Social Responsibility in the maritime industry”.

Until recently, Lisa was Director of Research and Development at the Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management where she worked with International relations, established the research group MAST (Maritime Applied Research Center) and revitalized the Vessel Manager Education. She worked with CSR, Disruptive Innovation and technological development, facilitating research and development projects within these themes, and has taken several courses in both CSR and Disruptive Innovation.

Within the field of Human Factors, Lisa has investigated the psychological impacts on seafarers in relation to pirate hijacking, corruptive practices and how seafarers cope in such situations. She has also worked with socio-cognitive aspects of everyday and emergency situations in technologically saturated work environments.

Editing was completed: 01.11.2019