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Esbjerg hosts MSSM On Tour 2019

The planning of MSSM On Tour 2019 has started, and we cannot wait to tell you about next year’s conference.

Maritime Development Center (MDC), Fredericia College of Marine and Technical Engineering (FMS) in collaboration with the Centre of Maritime Health and Society (CMSS) are pleased to welcome you

at the premises of FMS and SDU in Esbjerg, 5-6 November 2019

At FMS's Esbjerg department, they are looking forward to seeing you all, and the school's principal Torben Dahl states: "It is with great pleasure that FMS participates in the planning and completion of the annual MSSM conference in 2019. The conference is a very important element for spreading new knowledge in safety, health and environment in the maritime industry".

Next year's theme will be ‘A shared responsibility’, and we are in the process of making up the programme. To help us, we have a broadly composed steering committee with deep roots in the profession.

Denmark has a long proud maritime tradition, a tradition that will support Denmark as a leading maritime nation. But what does it mean to be a "leading maritime nation"? How does health, safety and environment go hand in hand with growth ambitions? How do we become a leader in competences? How do we ensure that shipping will not only be for the male part of the population? How do we ensure that Denmark is not overtaken by others who can solve the task faster, better and cheaper? It is a shared responsibility - and on MSSM On Tour 2019 we take the lead and take responsibility for the Blue Denmark.

As always, the focus of the steering committee has been health, safety and the environment at sea and on land, and of course networking also plays a very important part again. So, you can look forward to inspirational lectures, workshops, exciting presentations, site visits, maritime activities and meeting colleagues from the industry. The registration will start in April 2019, but please tick off 5 and 6 September 2019 in your calendars already now.

Editing was completed: 30.11.2018