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Respiratory diseases among Danish seafarers

Seafaring is a special work environment with exposure to many occupational but also lifestyle health risks related to respiratory diseases. Chronic respiratory disease, for instance, is a major non-communicable disease associated with a substantial amount of deaths and hospitalizations worldwide. Other Respiratory diseases than chronic have also been identified as important causes of sick leave. Little is known about respiratory diseases among seafarers, though. This project aims to investigate respiratory diseases and their causes and determinants among Danish seafarers.

This project uses the register-based data BLUE, in which data from the Danish Maritime Authority, the Statistics Denmark and the Danish Health Data Authority are linked by the Statistics Denmark. The projected main health outcomes are hospital contacts due to respiratory diseases, but also information on purchases of prescribed drugs, sick leave and cause-specific mortality will be used.

Findings of the project will benefit, in addition to the scientific field, seafarers and the whole shipping industry.

Project leader
Kimmo Herttua

Timeline and economy
The project is expected to run until December 2023, and it is mainly financed internally.

Last Updated 20.10.2023