An important day for cross-border collaborations
Torsten Albig, Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, visited the Mads Clausen Institute to learn more about cross-border collaborations at SDU.
On a very beautiful sunny day in August, Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein Torsten Albig visited the Mads Clausen Institute at the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg. The purpose was to learn more about cross-border Danish-German projects and collaborations. Besides Albig, Chairman of the region Carl Holst, Mayor of Sønderborg Aase Nygaard, Chairman of Danfoss Jørgen Mads Clausen as well as Dean Per Michael Johansen and Head of Institute Horst-Günter Rubahn participated in the activities of the visit.
Crossborder collaboration and projects
Horst-Günter Rubahn gave the prime minister and the guests a thorough insight into cross-border research- and educational projects at the Mads Clausen Institute, including a short presentation of examples of Danish-German projects. Among these was a brand new research cluster, which has recently received a generous grant under SDU2020, which is the university’s own pool aimed at strengthening internal research. Examples from Germany were presented by representatives from the Fachhochschule Kiel, Christian-Albrechts-University and Fraunhofer ISIT, who respectively informed about projects within electromobility, ultrafast plasmonics and the cross-border collaboration between the Fraunhofer Institute and the MCI.
The visit ended with a boat trip, a South Jutlandic lunch at the Baltic Hotel and a bicycle ride to Vibæk Mølle.
Photo: Group picture after the bicycling trip. Prime Minister Albig (in green shirt) is seen next to Jørgen Mads Clausen and Carl Holst.