Anja Hvidtfeldt Stanek
Lektor ved Institut for Psykologi, SDU
Medlem af forskningsgruppe CH:LD -
Anna Busk Rasmussen
PhD-student, SDU, Department of Psychology as well as UCL, Early Childhood and Social Education
PhD student, Department of Clinical Research, KI, OUH, Research unit of Dermatovenerology and allergy (Odense)
Charlotte Dyreborg Madsen
PhD, Associate Professor, University College of North Denmark act2learn, Pedagogy and Learning
Christoffer Granhøj
Adjunkt, Ph.d., Anvendt velfærdsforskning, UCL Erhvervsakademi og professionshøjskole
Dorthe Susanne Nielsen
Professor, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Klinisk Institut, SDU
Gry Marie Tybjerg
Associate Professor, PhD, Applied Welfare Research, UCL Business Academy and University College
Helle Marie Christensen
Klinisk forsker og sygeplejespecialist, Lungemedicin SDU
Jette Sørensen
Associate Professor, Registered Nurse, Cand.Cur, MEd in Health Promotion and Education, UCL Business Academy and University College
Lærke Testmann
Lektor, Ph.d., Københavns Professionshøjskole, Pædagoguddannelsen, Grundfaglighed Børns hverdagsliv i dagtilbud, indskoling og SFO
Lotte Huniche
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, SDU
Associate Professor, BRIDGE, Brain Research - Inter-Disciplinary Guided Excellence -
Patrick Jørgensen
PhD student, Department of People and Technology, Subject, Technology and social practice, RUC
Sanne Have Beck
PhD student, Department of Clinical Research KI, OUH, Research unit of Geriatrics (Odense)
Sussanne Hangård Vendelbo
PhD Student at the Department of Psychology, SDU
Member of the research group CH:LD -
Urd Skiveren
PhD student, Department of People and Technology, Subject, Technology and social practice, RUC as well as Applied Welfare Research, UCL Business Academy and University College