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The Danish Center for Advanced Cell Analysis (DCCA), made possible by a generous grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, is a modern research facility specialized in high-resolution conventional and spectral flow cytometry, fluorescence-activated cell sorting, and live cell imaging. Located at the Department of Molecular Medicine at NytSUND, DCCA provides a user-friendly platform with cutting-edge infrastructure, technical assistance, and advanced training across faculties at SDU and the Odense University Hospital.

(you can find prices and booking here)


Biomedical Laboratory


You can read about the biomedical laboratory here




Danish Molecular Biomedical Imaging Center (DaMBIC) is a bioimaging core facility at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. The Center is located at both NAT and SUND Fioniavej 36.

DaMBIC's mission is to provide an open-access national bioimaging infrastructure. The facility provides cutting-edge bioimaging infrastructure and services at SDU, serving research groups across the faculties of Health Sciences (SUND), Engineering (TEK), and Natural Sciences (NAT). Additionally, DaMBIC extends its services to users from other Danish Universities, as well as to international collaborators and companies. 

The DaMBIC core facility provides access to state-of-the-art microscopy equipment, training and assistance required for the whole range of light microscopy for imaging specimens ranging from single molecules to cells, tissue and small animals.

DaMBIC offers a range of imaging equipment ranging from automated widefield microscopes to advanced confocal and multiphoton microscopes, to an array of state-of-the-art super resolution techniques and Raman based label free imaging techniques. We provide support for experimental design and sample preparation, access to image analysis software and expertise in data analysis and microscopy education. 

A full list of the equipment can be seen here: Equipment


Access to training can be seen here: Training




MADE is a national core facility for antibody generation, characterization and development. The core is build on many years of existing expertise in oldest hybridoma technology, long standing experience in ELISA and biosensor assay development and collaboration with a state-of-the-art FACS core facility.

The core offers services in development of antibodies from B-cell derived plasma cells, i.e. antibodies that has been affinity maturated in a mammalian immune system, either in animals or humans. The core facility will offer the following services:

  • Design of immunization and screening strategy including production of antigen
  • Immunization of animals, access to genetically modified animals
  • Classi hybridoma projects in rat and mice
  • Functional screening of large number of antigen producing cells (either hybridomas or B-cell derived plasma cells) using droplet fluidics systems, enabling isolation of a very high number of cells producing antibodies binding the antigen
  • Antibody sequencing and recombinant expression and purification
  • Generation of tailored antibody derivatives, including ADCC enhancement, drug or fluorophore conjugation as well as bispecific antibodies and other antibody fusion proteins
  • Extensive characterization of the antibodies using biosensor technology and state of the art FACS equipment
  • Advice on development of immunoassays
  • Advice on translational development of antibodies

The core will be made available to all biomedical researchers in Denmark in industry and academia.

For projects or questions contact Associate Professor Jonas Heilskov Graversen,


Last Updated 21.01.2025