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Internship for Bachelor of Engineering students – Theoretical knowledge is applied into practice


The internship must last a minimum of 20 weeks/100 working days and is full-time and is carried out in a company with an engineering environment. This is an important element in the study as the theoretical knowledge is being applied in a real-life situation.

When the internship is over the final project is carried out. It often happens that the topic for the final project is identified in the company where the internship has been conducted.

This makes it possible for the collaboration to continue, and it might end up with an employment after the final exam. And often means the internship can be a first step towards hiring a newly graduated engineer.



Information to companies about engineering internship

Internships are a compulsory part of the 3.5-year Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) study programme.

The internship is placed in the last part of the programme ensuring that the newly formed engineers have not only acquired theoretical knowledge but have also learned to apply it.
During the internship, the student performs typical assignments, and ”independent” tasks 50-60 % of the time. In addition, the intern participates in the company’s ad hoc tasks.
The internship must last a minimum of 20 weeks/100 working days and is full-time.

At SDU, internships are typically carried out during spring semester, beginning between 1 February and mid-March, as long as the 100 working days can be held before the start of the next semester (1 September). Some students complete the internship during the autumn semester and commence it approximately around September.

Relevant Engineering tasks

To host an intern, there must be relevant engineering tasks where the student can apply and develop their professional skills.
To ensure this, the company must have the necessary professional engineering expertise to thoroughly guide and assist the student during the training.

Engineering Environment

In practice, this means that there must at least be one person employed in the workplace who is a trained engineer in the current field of education or who has an equivalent competence obtained through training and/or multiannual engineering practice.

Also, it is important that the engineering environment in the workplace is not only borne by a single person, as the internship company must be prepared for and able to offer the student the necessary coaching, guidance, and post-criticism. In addition, the student is affiliated with a SDU internship supervisor.

Learning path

The internship must have the character of a learning path with associated guidance, reflection, and evaluation.

New companies wanting to acquire engineering interns

We recommend the company to get in contact with one of the internship coordinators (see list under Helpful links), if it is the first time hosting engineer interns from SDU. They can be helpful in securing approval and a successful collaboration.

New knowledge for companies – practical learning for students

During the internship, the engineer student should take part in the company’s typical tasks. The tasks should reflect competences, which is required by engineers the specific field.
The objective of the internship is to train the students in understanding the methods, processes, and tasks of an engineer in a company in practice. This helps the student to reflect upon the theory acquired through the studies and understand their role as engineers after graduation.
Meaning the student should handle specific, engineering tasks during the internship, while an understanding of the social culture in a company is obtained.
In addition to the company supervisor, the student also has a supervisor from SDU during the internship.

Salery and contract

Internships are paid. According to the Danish Association of Engineers IDA, the indicative rate for internship salary for BEng students in 2023: DKK 16,200 pr. Month.
During the internship, the student is employed at the company.
If necessary, the company can sign a supplementing employment contract and/or an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement).
International students do not automatically get a work permit for full time job in Denmark. The student have to apply for a work permit, before starting the internship. The application should be send as early as possible.

NB: SDU employees, including supervisors and coordinators, are subjected to confidentiality. Meaning, the need for including SDU in a confidentiality clause is rare.

How do you get in contact with an engineer intern?

SDU offer several events where the students and companies can meet each other. In addition, SDU has a digital platform to post internship advertisement.
It is free to make use of the offers.


Two times a year The Faculty of Engineering invites companies and students to meet each other at  SDU Praktik- og Projektdag (Internship and Project Day) in Odense and Student Collaboration Day in Sonderborg. Information about the events will be updated regularlyon our event calender.


SDU Jobbank

Vi benytter SDU Jobbank, som platform til opslag af såvel studierelateret samarbejde som jobs. Praktikopslag er gratis. 

Link til vejledninger her.

Direkte link til Jobteaser for virksomheder her.


SDU JobTeaser

SDU JobTeaser is used as a platform where student related advertisement and job advertisement can be posted.
It is free to post advertisement for internships. 
We have developed instructions on how to post to get out to the students at SDU.

Link to the instructions here.

Direct link to JobTeaser for firms.

When should you start looking for an engineer intern?

The students start looking for internships 6 month – and even earlier – before start-up of the internship. Therefor internship advertisement can already be posted 4-6 month in advance.

NB! If you accept unsolicited application, we recommend you to post it in SDU JobTeaser with a clear description of what competences you are looking for.

What, When and How?

  • New companies wanting to acquire engineering interns - get in contact with one of the internship coordinators (see list under Helpful links.
  • Describe the internship and post it on SDU Jobbank or attend one of our events. 
  • Call the student for a meeting.
  • The chosen student(s) set(s) up a digital internship contract – The contract is send automatically to the internship coordinator and the internship company, for approval. It is recommended the company makes a PDF-copy of the contract while approving. 
  • The internship can start when the contract has been settled (not earlier).
  • In collaboration with the company and the supervisor from SDU an activity plan is formed.
  • When the internship is over, the company confirms the accomplishment of the internship. The student writes an internship report which has to be approved by SDU.

Gry Green Linell
T 6550 7560


Bente Olsen
T 6550 1601

Jørgen Jeppe Madsen 
T 6550 7408

Jakob Lindahl

Anders Jensen
T 6550 7496

Knud Villy Christensen
T 6550 7478

Niels Dyring
T 6550 7416

Jan Pedersen
T 6550 7437 

Annika Skjødt 
T 6550 9310 




Do you have questions regarding internship for Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), please contact us.

Susanne Kjelstrup
Tlf: +45 66550 7141 

Last Updated 13.01.2025