Henrik Gordon Petersen recieves 2015 Grundfos Price
Professor Henrik Gordon Petersen from the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute has recieved the 2015 Grundfos Prize and 1 million DKK for his long-standing contribution to applied robot technology.
Henrik Gordon Petersen's long-standing research efforts in applied robot technology were recognised on Thursday with the award of the Grundfos Prize.
"I am extremely pleased, proud and honoured to receive the 2015 Grundfos Prize. I can see from the list of previous recipients of the Grundfos Prize that I am in very fine company. I am also very pleased about the additional focus this gives to robot technology since this area is extremely important for the future of Danish manufacturing," says Henrik Gordon Petersen.
Of the 1 million DKK prize money, 750,000 DKK in total goes to research in Henrik Gordon Petersen's field of research and 250,000 DKK goes to Henrik Gordon Petersen personally in recognition of his work.
"I haven't yet completely decided what the research funds will be used for, but I can say that in any case it will be for equipment for our robot technological research setups," he says.
Industrial technology retains Danish jobs
The Poul Due Jensen Foundation is behind the prize and, with this year's theme for the Grundfos Prize, wishes to highlight the industry's importance to society and to raise a profile which has had great importance for modern manufacturing technology:
"In Denmark, we are not competitive when it comes to salaries, but on the other hand we are adept at automatising our industrial manufacturing and in this way ensuring that jobs in manufacturing remain in Denmark. Henrik Gordon Petersen and his research group are a powerhouse in this development and this is what we want to recognise and support," said Chairman of the Board Niels Due Jensen at the award ceremony.
Research creating new jobs
An important factor in the jury's decision is also the significance Henrik Gordon Peterson has personally had in bringing Denmark to the forefront in the development of technology for direct use in manufacturing companies.
"In Henrik Gordon Petersen himself, we see how a passion for mathematical insight is applied in a technology of the greatest benefit to society, and how an outstanding ability to collaborate puts the results into use in both existing and new companies. For instance, both Scape Technologies and Universal Robots stem from the environment surrounding him," explains Niels Due Jensen, who is also Chairman of the Grundfos Prize jury.
13th time Grundfos Prize awarded
This year marks the 13th time the Grundfos Prize has been awarded by the Poul Due Jensen Foundation, whose primary aim is to secure Grundfos's continued existence and development. The Prize contributes to supporting and highlighting talented researchers in engineering and science.
For more information contact
Professor, Ph.d. Henrik Gordon Petersen, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, hgp@mmmi.sdu.dk Tel: 6011 2324