Doctoral Defence 2nd September 2021 by Assistant Professor, Christos Tserkezis
Assistant Professor Christos Tserkezis will defend his doctoral thesis "Towards quantum nanophotonics: from quantum-informed plasmonics to strong coupling" 2nd September 2021 from 13.00.
Everyone is welcome to join. Please, register for the defence by writing an email to Tina Skoubo Elcer, tsk@tek.sdu.dk
The defence will take place at:
Faculty of Engineering, SDU
Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M
Room: Ellehammer, ø28-600-3
You can join via Zoom:https://syddanskuni.zoom.us/j/64004442324
13.00 |
Welcome and introduction by the Dean, Henrik Bindslev |
13.05 |
Doctoral defence Doctoral candidate presents his work |
13.30 |
Opponent 1: Professor Ulrich Hohenester |
15.00 at the latest |
Break |
15.30 at the latest |
Opponent 2: Professor Luis Moreno |
17.00 at the latest |
Closing address by the Dean, Henrik Bindslev After the defence, the official opponents state the extent to which the doctoral defence has been satisfactory. |
17.30 |
Reception at the cobber staircase |
(The timeline for the defence is instructive).
Obtain the thesis
Obtain the thesis at Research Gate or write an email to Christos Tserkezis, ct@mci.sdu.dk
Unofficial opponents should report to Tina Skoubo Elcer, tsk@tek.sdu.dk
The defense will be video recorded.