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Concept for study start at BSS

The start of studies is a crucial period for new students in relation to getting a good start on their studies and is of great importance for both completion and well-being. The purpose of the study start is clearly defined: to introduce the students to their programme and create opportunities for both academic and social integration in a safe environment.

Study start in 3 phases

The study start at BSS extends as a concept over the entire 1st semester.
The study start period consists of three phases with different focus and content.


The principles of the study start

The following principles provide direction and boundaries for priorities and decisions in the work with the study start at BSS.

Timely relevant information: Communication is carefully organized to ensure that new students receive relevant information in a timely manner. Structured information makes it easy for them to navigate and find additional information.

Social and academic integration in a professional community: The study start's activities focus on gradual academic and social integration. Both academic and social activities are designed to build a solid study environment and strengthen the connection between students and the programme.

Study start and learning objectives: The study start is not just an introduction, but also a learning activity with specific objectives. All activities should contribute to us achieving the defining learning goals for the study start.

A study start for everyone: Consideration is given to the diversity of the new students in order to create security at all levels. The program is transparent and described clearly to avoid exclusion or cross-border situations. Alcohol is not part of the official intro program. Tutors and student associations are encouraged not to promote alcohol consumption. The use of intoxicants other than alcohol is strictly prohibited at all times.

Reconciliation of expectations: The study start works on reconciling expectations and guiding the new students in the transition to university students. It focuses on strengthening faith in their academic abilities and making them aware of the university's expectations.

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 2200

Last Updated 27.07.2024