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Quality in education

We have a tradition of continuously adapting the our degree programmes on the basis of teachers' and students' proposals for improvements, as well as legislative changes.

Our work with quality in education is a natural part of SDU's quality system, which partly ensures that all degree programmes at the university have the same high quality, and partly makes room for differences between the faculties with regard to the implementation of the quality policy.

To a large extent, the work with quality in education at the Faculty of Science is done in cooperation between the study administration and the study management, including the study board, the teaching committee and heads of studies. At the same time, the quality policy is sometimes implemented in the activities of the individual teachers.

Our implementation of SDU’s quality policy is described in our implementation note. In some cases, this has been supplemented by local guidelines and descriptions of how various constituent parts of the quality policy are being implemented in practice. Overall, the work with quality in education follows an annual cycle.

Typically, the teaching committees start by processing the results at programme-leven, and then the study boards pick up on this and look at whether there are any general themes that should be addressed.

Our surveys:

  • Course evaluation: every semester
  • Study start survey: annually
  • Student evaluations of entire programmes: annually
  • Study environment survey: every two years
  • Graduand survey: every three years
  • Evaluation of entire programmes with the involvement of external experts: every six years per programme

Read more about SDU's quality policy


If you have any questions regarding our implementation of SDU's quality policy, please contact our quality coordinator:

Lise Junker Nielsen
Phone: +45 6550 2362

Faculty of Science University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 2099

Last Updated 28.11.2024