SDU expert briefs the UN Security Council
The use of military drone technologies by terrorist groups is a threat to the world community. That was the main message in the speech that Associate Professor James Rogers has just given to the UN Security Council, where he was invited to share his knowledge about the terrorist use of drones.
"Threats to international peace and security caused by the transnational activities of terrorist groups" was the title of the presentation that James Rogers, DIAS fellow and associate professor at the Center for War Studies at SDU, has just given to the UN Security Council.
The SDU lecturer, who is an expert on how terrorist groups use military drones, was invited to the Security Council in connection with the council's evaluation of the measures that have already been put in place to counter the threats from terrorist groups.
Threat to the security of states
- It is an important meeting that the UN Security Council has called, in relation to international security. Drones, once considered a panacea for the protection of nation-states, have now become one of the biggest threats to the security of those very states, due to the activities of terrorists. And there are now weekly drone attacks against military targets and civilian infrastructure.
In connection with this, James Rogers highlights Al-Shabaab in Somalia, a terrorist group associated with Al-Qaida, as well as the Houthis in Yemen, as examples of groups that use military drone technologies in their attacks.
Read more about James Rogers' research in this publication: https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/handle/20.500.11850/556165