Campus News
Tens of thousands of new tricks for existing drugs – Which drugs can we use for different diseases than initially intended for?
Thousands of drugs have the potential to be effective against other diseases than they were developed for. New scientific work points to ca. 30.000 such cases. One is currently used to treat schizophrenia but holds great potential for treating tuberculosis as well.
Finally, the 10 billion-year mathematical brain teaser has been solved
If there were no computers, this task would have required 10 billion years of a mathematician’s waking time. Luckily, however, there is a supercomputer at SDU and the task is therefore solved. The results have significance for our confidence in all the large and small electronic devices which control our everyday lives.
Peter Krustrup for SDU
Internationally acclaimed sports researcher Peter Krustrup is to take up a position with the University of Southern Denmark’s Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics. He will be Professor of Sport and Health Sciences and head of research in the new Sport and Health Sciences research unit. Peter Krustrup will become part of the university’s strategy on football research, where he will strengthen the research within both elite football and football in a public health perspective.
På vej mod bedre behandling af blærebetændelse
Hvert år bliver 200-300.000 danskere behandlet for blærebetændelse, men til trods for den massive udbredelse, er sygdommen stadig et videnskabeligt mysterium. Nu er det lykkedes et forskerhold at afdække, hvordan de ansvarlige bakterier får sygdommen til at udvikle sig. Det giver fornyet håb om mere effektive behandlingsmetoder.
Forskere har udviklet en ny klasse af kunstige proteiner
Et dansk forskerhold rapporterer i det ansete tidsskrift Nature Communications, at de har udviklet en ny klasse af kunstige proteiner. Arbejdet kan på sigt føre til bedre behandling af kræft og diabetes.
Sælerne Oscar og Nino har indtaget SDUs nye forskningsanlæg i Kerteminde
Kun ganske få steder i verden er det muligt at studere havpattedyr i fangenskab. Med et nyt forskningsanlæg cementerer SDU nu sin position som en af verdens førende institutioner inden for marinbiologisk forskning.
Concern that radiation may contribute to development of Alzheimer’s
More humans than ever are exposed to higher levels of ionizing radiation from medical equipment, airplanes, etc. A new study suggests that this kind of radiation may be a cofounding factor in the neurodegenerative disease Alzheimer´s.
Ageing: Computer simulation finds dangerous molecule activity
All human organisms are attacked by free radicals – they destroy our cells, and over time they contribute to us ageing. Now, researchers have found out how a particularly dangerous type of free radicals is formed, and it may lead to a better understanding of ageing.