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Tangible VR - Blending Physical Interaction with Virtual Training

In the realm of virtual reality (VR) training, Tangible VR stands out as a groundbreaking project that bridges the gap between digital simulations and physical interaction. This innovative approach integrates real physical structures—like buttons, handles, and tables—into the VR environment. The key to this integration is the use of advanced hand tracking technology, allowing users to interact with these physical elements as if they were in the real world.

Tangible VR transforms the training experience. Traditional VR training often relies on controllers, which can limit the naturalness and intuitiveness of interactions. By contrast, Tangible VR offers a more immersive and realistic experience, making it ideal for skills development in various fields, such as healthcare, engineering, and emergency response. Trainees can manipulate actual objects, enhancing muscle memory and spatial awareness in a way that traditional VR cannot match. Moreover, Tangible VR combines the flexibility and safety of a virtual environment with the tactile feedback of real-world objects. This dual approach allows for a broader range of training scenarios, from routine operations to rare, high-risk situations, without the associated real-world risks or costs. It represents a significant step forward in VR training, promising more effective learning outcomes and a deeper level of engagement for users.


Project info

Project contact: Bjarke Pedersen,
Research topics:  #Augmented Reality #VR #AR #simulation #haptic feedback #training #skill development #cybe-physical systems #virtual reality training


Last Updated 02.02.2024