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Digital pathways to wellbeing

Exploring the potential of digital technologies to support health and well-being

Research theme 2 focuses on using virtual and augmented reality, adaptive systems, behavioural analytics, and other technologies to support healthcare and improve outcomes for patients.

One key area of research is the use of virtual and augmented environments for treatment, such as using AR and VR to provide immersive therapy for mental health conditions or using adaptive systems to personalize treatment plans for patients with chronic illnesses. Another area of research is the exploration of how technology can be used to support preventative interventions, such as using behavioural analytics to develop personalized wellness plans or developing apps and other tools to support healthy lifestyles.

Rehabilitation is an important area of focus, with research exploring how technology can be used to support patients recovering from illness or injury. This could include the use of robotic technologies to provide physical therapy, or the use of XR and other playful technologies to help patients regain cognitive function.

Throughout all research on this theme, a key priority will be to ensure that digital pathways to wellbeing are accessible and equitable for all. This involves exploring new interaction paradigms that are user-centred and inclusive, as well as developing guidelines for designing digital health interventions that prioritize the needs and preferences of diverse patient populations.

Finally, research on this theme will also focus on developing new business models and policy frameworks to support the growth of digital health technologies while ensuring that patients are not exploited or left behind. This involves exploring new models for financing digital health interventions, as well as developing ethical guidelines and regulations for the use of patient data in digital health contexts.

Overall, the research on this theme is highly interdisciplinary, drawing on expertise from fields such as medicine, computer science, psychology, and public health. We are new insights into the potential of digital technologies to support health and well-being and develop solutions that improve outcomes for those who are vulnerable, patients and promote equitable access to care.

Core challenges

How can digital technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, robotics, and behavioural analytics, be leveraged to improve healthcare outcomes and support well-being at different stages of life?

What are the most promising prevention and rehabilitation interventions that can be delivered through digital and multimodal channels, and how can they be effectively integrated with traditional healthcare services?

How can we ensure that digital technologies for wellbeing are evidence-based, ethical, and safe, and do not exacerbate existing health disparities or privacy concerns?


We develop and test novel tools and technologies that enable patients and caregivers to access, monitor, and communicate health-related data and feedback in real time. We experiment, conduct case studies and even clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy and usability of digital interventions for preventing, treating, and managing physical and mental health conditions. We collaborate with healthcare providers, insurers, and policymakers to integrate digital pathways to wellbeing into existing systems and policies, and to promote equitable access and outcomes.


  • Evidence-based guidelines and standards for using digital technologies in healthcare and well-being, based on rigorous research and ethical principles.
  • Tools and platforms for delivering personalized and interactive digital interventions for patients and caregivers, such as virtual coaches, adaptive systems, and online support groups.
  • Policy recommendations and advocacy efforts to promote the adoption and funding of digital pathways to well-being, and to ensure that they are accessible, equitable, and safe.

Last Updated 05.01.2024