AF100 Subsonic Wind Tunnel (TecQuipment Ltd.)
The Subsonic Wind Tunnel is an open circuit wind tunnel for low speed aerodynamic studies. The maximum speed in the working section is 36 meter pr. second. The dimensions in the working section are 0,305 m x 0,305 m x 0,600 m.
Associated instruments:
• Balance for measuring drag and lift forces
• Differential pressure transducer
• 32-way pressure display system
• Pitot traverse mechanis

Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) is a laser-based measurement system to capture 2D point measurement of air velocity and -direction.
The photo illustrates the velocity measurement throughout a climate module using a 2D FlowExplorer system, mounted on a dedicated traversing system, both developed by Dantec Dynamics A/S.
In relation to the LDA measurements a seeding generator of specification SAFEX Fog Generator NS4 was used with SAFEX Blitz fog fluid.
Measurement of drone propeller aerodynamics by Tri-axial hotwire sensor (Dantec Dynamics A/S)
Measurement of U, V and W velocity components in turbulent three dimentional flow field.
Smoke generator for flow visualization
Visualization of drone propeller aerodynamics by use of a SAFEX Fog Generator NS4 was used with SAFEX Blitz fog fluid.
Flow visualization compared to CFD simulation.