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PhD projects

Current PhD projects

Emil Birch Christensen: Production of “off-the-shelf” allogeneic cellular CAR-immunotherapy for hematological malignancy. January 2023


Recent PhD projects

Maria Ormhøj: Limiting antigen escape through optimized design and alternative antigen targeting of chimeric antigen receptor T cellsNovember 2019

Leen Baudewijn: Celiac disease viewed from insights in self-tolerance. Oktober 2019

Ane Landt: Expression and function of different isoforms of the immune regulatory molecule CD200November 2018

 Dellgren C: Post-transcriptional regulation of HLA-A and HLA-B in human stem cells and lymphocytes. November 2015

Sabir HJ: Characterization of locus-specific expression of HLA class I on stem cells and differentiated human cells in health and inflammatory diseasesFebruary 2014

Hansen TO: Targeted integration of transgenes mediated by Recombination-Activating Genes 1 and 2. August 2014

Nielsen C: Immunogenetic Aspects of Autoimmune Disease with Particular Emphasis on Type 1 Diabetes and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. May 2008

Laursen LO: Recombination and Somatic Hypermutation. August 2005

Jakobsen MA: The costimulatory function of dendritic cells. Effect of growth conditions, maturation signals and antigen uptake. March 2005

Fisker N: Hepatitis B: Aktuelle smitteveje og muligheden for at bryde disse. January 2005

Lautrup H: Systemic lupus erythematosus. Syddansk Universitet - Odense. March 2004.

Homburg KM: Identification and semiquantification of a tumour marker in leukapheresis products for autologous peripheral stem cell transplantation. Syddansk Universitet - Odense. May 2001.

Brevig T: Immunological barriers in xenotransplantation for brain repair. Characterization and circumvention of the human anti-porcine T-lymphocyte response. Syddansk Universitet - Odense. August 2000.

Titlestad K: Computerised monitoring of transfusion practices - A survey of two university hospitals. Århus Universitet - Århus. December 2000.



Last Updated 30.01.2024