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Grant from NNF

Poul Nielsen has received DKK 2,999,909 from NNF for the project "Chemical Optimization of Pleuromutilin for Broad Antibacterial Activity and Decreased Resistance".



Grant from the Carlsberg Foundation

Changzhu Wu has received DKK 791.045 from the Carlsberg foundation Research Infrastucture grants for a new GC-MS under the title "Unraveling Novel Chemical Structures Using Advanced GC-MS Technology".


Joint Research Center at SDU and KU

Jacob Kongsted is the representative of the Department in the Research Center "Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education (CPDSE)", supported by grants from Novo Nordisk Fonden, LEO Fondet og Lundbeck Fonden of DKK 123.000.000 in total.


Grant from DFF

Jacob Kongsted has received DKK 3.121.920 from DFF for the project "Has the time come to realize quantum computing for transition metal complexes?".


Grants from DeiC

Ernst Dennis Larsson has received DKK 3.045.600 from DeiC for the project "Quantum Computing for the Solid State".

Jacob Kongsted has received DKK 2.700.000 from DeiC for the project "Exploration of novel error mitigation strategies for quantum chemistry on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers".


Grant from Novo Nordisk Foundation

Christina Wegeberg has received DKK 16.484.479 on a RECRUIT grant from Novo Nordisk Foundation for establishing her research at FKF .


Grant from SDU Climate Cluster

Christine McKenzie, Christina Wegeberg and Steffen Bähring is part of a collaboration who received an infrastructure grant from SDU Climate Cluster for the project "Molecules for Electro- and Photo-chemical for Power-to-X Conversion (MEP4P2XC)".


Grants from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

René Holm has received USD 1.024.500 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct an extensive investigation into factors stabilizing suspensions in co-operation with Monash University in Melbourne.

René Holm has received USD 100.000 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct an extensive preformulation study of Levonorgestrel and to investigate the supplier variations.


Private donation

Christine McKenzie has received DKK 2.000.000 from a private person for her research in theranostic radioactive drugs.



Grant from Carlsberg Foundation

Poul Nielsen has received DKK 699.259 from Carlsberg Foundation for a HPLC, which will contribute to the activities in the research group. It will ensure a high quality of the DNA/RNA-oligonucleotides that are an essential part of the work done in the group.


Grant from Novo Nordisk Foundation

Chenguang Lou has received DKK 2.999.850 from the Novo Nordisk Foundation for the project "Fusing DNA-binding peptides and oligonucleotides to advance anti-gene triplex technology".


Grants from Villum Fonden

  • Himanshu Khandelia has received DKK 1.980.000 for the project "Using Bacteria to Detect and Remove Nanoplastics".
  • Stefan Vogel has received DKK 1.990.000 for the project "Encoding Chemistry - Green Chemistry in Biomimetic Nanoreactors” – (EnCode).


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship

The European Commission has awarded Erna Wieduwilt a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship. The project title is "Understanding the new oxidative paradigm of biomass waste upcycling – LyticPol".


Grants from Novo Nordisk Foundation

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has donated two NERD grants to two of our researchers:

  • Jasmin Mecinovic has received DKK 13.209.000 for the project "Understanding the Chemical Language of Linker Histones".
  • Stefan Vogel has received DKK 13.998.600 for the project  "Encoding Green Chemistry in Biomimetic Nanoreactors - DNA-Programmed Synthetic and Enzymatic Chemistry - DNAChem".


Grant from Innovation Fund Denmark

Poul Nielsen has received a grant of DKK 1.494.720 from the Innivation Fund Denmark for the project Fighting multiresistant bacteria with a subclass of pleuromutilins.


Project to Improve Tuberculosis treatment through Drug Delivery

René Holm has received a grant of USD 1.25 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for investigating the possibility of developing long-acting injectable formulations using three different substances against tuberculosis. The project focuses on injection suspensions and the determination of proper stabilization of the suspensions, as well as their particle size, in order to achieve a release period of 4-6 months for the three substances. This would optimize the treatment, particularly in regions of the world with limited access to healthcare systems.


Grants from Independent Research Fund Denmark

Himanshu Khandelia has from Natural Sciences received DKK 2.686.256 for the project Interdisciplinary Platform to Decipher the mechanism of Proton Leak through the Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 1 (UCP1).

Jasmin Mecinovic has from Technology and Production sciences received DKK 2.880.000 for the project Development of chemical tools for probing protein histidine methyltransferases.


Grant from SDU Climate Cluster

Lars Porskjær Christensen et al have received DKK 252,995 from SDU Climate Cluster for infrastructure for the project Green processes for added-value compounds recovery through supercritical fluid extraction.


Grant from Janssen Pharmaceutical

René Holm has received Euro 412,500 to investigate optimization of drug absorption into the eye when dosed in different drug forms applied topical, as well as for research into how these formulations are preserved with minimal use of preservatives. The money has been granted by Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium, that is also the main cooperator on the project .


Grant from Novo Nordisk

Christine McKenzie has in cooporation with Helge Thisgaard, hospital physicist at the Department of Nuclear Medicine, OUH, and associate professor at the Department of Clinical Research, SDU, and Associate Professor Andrew Kellet from Dublin City University in Ireland received DKK 15 million from Novo Nordisk for the development of new radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment of fatal brain cancer. The grant is from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme.



Partial grant in connection with pioneer centre

Christine McKenzie has received DKK 3,700,000 as a partner in the pioneer centre: CAPeX: Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery. The centre is anchored at DTU and is supported jointly by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, the Danish National Research Foundation, the Carlsberg Foundation, the Lundbeck Foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the VILLUM FOUNDATION.


Grant from the Carlsberg Foundation

The following has received a grant of the type Semper Ardens: Accelerate:

Changzhu Wu has received DKK 5.000.000 for the project "SUPRABAC: Coating bacteria with supramolecular polymers for new catalysis".

The following have received grants from the Carlsberg Foundation for research infrastructure:

Annette Bauer-Brandl has received DKK 771.557 for the project "Multichannel fiber optic monitor for real time concentration measurement".

Christine McKenzie has received DKK 2.807.800 for the project "A New Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometer for FKF, SDU".

Poul Nielsen has received DKK 255.150 for the project "Microwave assisted synthesis".

Ulla Gro Nielsen has received DKK 560.000 for the project "A magic-angle spinning NMR probe for in situ and operando studies".


Grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation

Poul Nielsen has received DKK 2.480.000 from the Novo Nordisk Foundation for the project "Designing G-quadruplexes with double-headed nucleotides".


Sapere Aude Grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Erik Donovan Hedegård has received a Sapere Aude Grant of DKK 6.189.120 from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the project "A relativistic, virtual lab for light-driven anti-cancer drugs".


Grant from Hørslev-Fonden

Poul Nielsen, FKF, has received DKK 200.000 from Hørslev-Fonden for the project "Development of a novel antibiotic against multiresistant Enterococci – lead optimization and in vivo validation".


Grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation

Jakob Kongsted is part of a collaboration between KU, DTU and SDU that has received DKK 40.000.000 from the Novo Nordisk Foundation for the project "Hybrid Quantum Chemistry on Hybrid Quantum Computers".


Grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Jakob Kongsted has received DKK 2.836.800 from the Independent Research Fund Denmark, Technology and Production for the project "Optogenetics from a moleculaperspective  rationadesign strategies for microbiarhodopsins".

Carsten Uhd Nielsen has received DKK 2.875.680 from the Independent Research Fund Denmark, Nature and Universe for the project "Rational search for inhibitors of amino acid transporters: Implications for targeting transporters as prostate cancer treatment".

Christine Joy McKenzie has received DKK 2.880.000 from the Independent Research Fund Denmark, Nature and Universe for the project "Coupling O2 and C-H Activation (COCHA)".


Grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation

Poul Nielsen, FKF, has received DKK 1.000.000 from the Novo Nordisk Foundation for the project "Development of a novel antibiotic against multiresistant Enterococci – lead optimization and in vivo validation".



Grant from Innovationsfonden

Poul Nielsen, FKF, Christoffer V. Heidtmann, FKF, Janne Kudsk Klitgaard, BMB, Carsten Uhd Nielsen, FKF and Thomas M. Clemmensen, SDU-RIO, have recieved DKK 1.484.640 from Innovationsfonden for the project "A novel antibiotic for the fight against multiresistant bacteria".


Grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark

Jacob Kongsted, Poul Nielsen and Carsten Uhd Nielsen have received a grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark, DKK 3.273.120, for the project “P-glycoprotein inhibition from a molecular basis – development of rational design strategies for P-glycoprotein modulators”.


Grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation

René Holm has received a Start Package grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, DKK 6.500.000, for setting up his research group at the department.



Grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation

Jacob Kongsted and Carsten Uhd Nielsen have received a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, DKK 2.454.900, for the project “Understanding P-glycoprotein inhibition from a molecular basis – development of rational design strategies for P-glycoprotein inhibitors”.


Grundfos Award 2020

Dorthe Bomholdt Ravnbæk has received the Grundfos Award, which include DKK 750.000 for independent research, and will be use to buy equipment and fund Dorthes research on battery improvement.


Grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Ulla Gro Nielsen has received DKK 2.880.000 from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the project "Paving the chemical pathway from waste to resource". Ulla also received Fyens Stiftstidend Forskerpris incl. DKK 15.000 within the same topic.


Grants from the Lundbeck Foundation

Himanshu Khandelia has received an Ascending Investigator research grant on DKK 5.093.000 kr. tworth DKK 5,093,000 to research into electrical activity in membrane proteins.

Jasmin Mecinovic has received an Ascending Investigator research grant worth DKK 4,999,500 to study enzymes in the brain that are significant for the function of the nervous system.


Grant from the Villum Foundation

Himanshu Khandelia has received a Villum Experiment Grant, DKK 2.000.000, for the project "A Novel Voltage-sensing Nano-device based on Flexoelectric Coupling in Lipid Membranes".



The research group including Annette Bauer-Brandl, Martin Brandle and Paul Stein is one of the partners participating in the new project: Eliminating animals from the development of new oral drug formulations: EU funds MSCA-H2020 EID InPharma. The EU-funded InPharma project is working towards making drug development more predictable and reducing animal testing in drug development by using a fully integra¬ted, animal-free, end-to-end modelling approach to the formulation of drugs for oral administration.


NERD grant

Dorthe Bomholdt Ravnsbæk has received DKK 13.000.000 from the Novo Nordisk Foundation "New Exploratory Research and Discovery"-program for research in new and improved materials for batteries and battery technology in the project Structure-property relations of disordered electrode materials for rechargeable batteries - DEM­BATT.


Grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Steffen Bähring has received DKK 2.793.600 from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the research project Extended-Tetrathiafulvalene-Porphyrin Donor Materials for Organic Solar Cells


Villum Young Investigator

Erik Donovan Hedegaard has been appointed Villum Young  Investigator by the Villum Foundation. A grant following the appointment will be used for the research project The virtual enzyme lab: boosting advanced biofuels.

Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 3520

Last Updated 06.02.2025