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Danish Centre for Rural Research - CLF

Summary of CLF Report 16/2012

LEADER is a specific method for rural development initiated by the EU. It stands for: Links between Actions for the Development of the Rural Economy (LEADER; in French: ‘Liaisons Entre Action de Developpement de l’Economie Rurale’). The method is meant to make sure that funds are allocated to local projects in such a way that they are based on local strategies, assessments and demands. Denmark has 57 LAGs – associations that distribute money from the EU and the Danish Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs. This report addresses the question of what the value added of LEADER local action groups (LAGs) is to EU multi-level governance of rural and costal development, through an analysis of how five Danish LAGs work with the LEADER principles. A prerequisite for applying the LEADER-method is that local development is guided by an approved strategy, and in a local public-private partnership, a partnership meant to work across sectorial interests, and to create new network and collaborative relations.

However, since the efficiency of the method in terms of economic development and job creation is still disputed, there is a need for indicators of if and how use of the LEADER method contributes added value to programs and projects for rural development. In this report, the 7 key concepts of LEADER are reviewed, based on international literature, and a system of relevant criteria and indicators is proposed. The current use of LEADER in Denmark was investigated through focus group interviews with in total 25 board members and coordinators from 5 LAGs from different parts of the country.

The study finds evidence that the LAGs’ work after the LEADER method, strengthen the projects and create local ownership and engagement. It thus makes good sense to involve passionate and resourceful local people in the prioritization of projects to be supported/implemented.

The report further concludes that

  • self-governing local instances represented by the action groups improves the selection of projects, because it is based on locally founded knowledge and a better foundation in the local communities, and
  • the method improves the process from idea to implementation of projects, by opening up for collaborations that would otherwise not have been established. The process also contributes to embedment and dissemination of knowledge, which can again contribute to starting-up of new initiatives and projects.


Last Updated 16.08.2016