New cooperation leads to Ph.D.-agreement
A new chapter in the cross-border cooperation between the University of Southern Denmark and the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
For years, the Mads Clausen Institute at the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg and the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences have had a close, successful cross-border cooperation. In coming years the cooperation – especially in the fields of future technology, electro-mobility and effect electronics – will be further expanded. Therefore, both partners have in recent years applied for and obtained financial support from the “Interreg” program, most recently for the projects “Lab-on-chip” (1.0 mill. €), “Nano foodstuffs” (0.8 mill. €), “eMotion” (1.62 mill. €) and ”New forces for the labour market” (1.1 mill. €).
Educational cooperation: Emotion/systems technology
Both universities are currently developing the parallel-running master programme “eMotion/systems technology” for the coming academic year of 2013/14. The persons responsible for the development of the curriculum – which will be in English – are Arne Bilberg, Ib Christensen and Horst-Günther Rubahn from the Danish side and Joachim Berg and Axel Krapoth from the German side.
”This master programme will make it possible also for highly qualified students from abroad to study in Germany or in Denmark without any language barriers. The master programme will thereby help remedy the shortage of labour within the high-tech field”, says the president of the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, Herbert Zickfeld.
Per Michael Johansen, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark, agrees: “This new and exciting education will strengthen the cross-border educational cooperation and help educate more engineers within the fields that are especially in demand among the companies in the border region.”
Common Ph.D.-agreement
The master programme embraces the academic fields of mechanical construction, electronics, regulation techniques, mathematics and micro-structure technology. Once the master degree has been obtained, all doors will be open for exciting engineer jobs e.g. within sustainable energy, future technology and micro-technology.
Furthermore, the coming graduates will have the opportunity to expand their scientific education with a Ph.D.-degree enabling them to pursue a scientific career. Therefore, a common Ph.D.-agreement is being developed between the University of Southern Denmark and the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, in support of a long term educational and research cooperation.
For more information, please contact
Professor Horst-Günter Rubahn, head of the Mads Clausen Institute at 6550 1190 / mobile 60113517
Picture: Alsion in Sønderborg.