Enhanced IT Security: From 15/8 you must always log in to access the library's online resources.
In consultation with IT-service and the Library Committee, it has been decided to introduce login to electronic materials from campus and from OUH to increase IT security.
This means that whatever network students and employees are using when they are at campus or OUH, they will need to log in if they, for example, want to do a search in a database or retrieve an article from an electronic journal. For most students, this does not mean the big difference, since approx. 70% of the students today use the SDU guest network, not Eduroam, and therefore allready have to log in.
The resources that are not remote access, such as Karnov and Kompass will also be required to login, but you will still only be able to use these resources from campus.
Walk in users
Users of the library in the "regular" category will only be able to use the electronic resources in the future when using the library's public machines made available in the library's premises.
This change takes place in the light of the fact that most license agreements show that "walk in use" can only be done in the library area.
If SDU gets visits, for example by high school classes, the library can make a guest access logon that can be used from campus. Please contact the Licensing Office for login to visitors in good time.
Questions or comments
If there are any questions or comments about this, please contact the Library Licensing Office on phone 6550 2632 or email e-tss@bib.sdu.dk - We will be ready to assist you.