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Take a leap and experience something new

- Studying and living abroad is in my opinion one of the most interesting experiences in life. When you choose a destination you have to take in account country-specific issues such as language and culture as well as the academic staff, says Maria Cinta, who is 21 years old.

Fascinated by Scandinavian culture
- I chose Denmark because I have always liked the Scandinavian culture and way of life; and because I wanted to do my courses in English. And University of Southern Denmark offered the study programme that fitted the most with my degree in my home country.

Since the beginning of my stay, I was surprised with the way of living there. A lot of things were very different from Spain, but you have to live in another country to notice and understand these differences.

Helpful professors
- At the university, courses are more focused on the day-to-day work and the reports, which are made in groups, rather than exclusively on theoretical studies for the final exam. The professors are very polite and helpful; they always try to help you in every way they can.

They also give you the information you need about courses and projects and offer different possibilities according to your specific interests/needs. For example, I like that we are allowed to choose the subject of our project and that we are given the chance to continue our studies here, she says.

Friends from all around the world
- One of the best things about living in Odense is the many international students that live here. You meet lots of people from all around Europe and the rest of the world. Also, living in student dormitories makes it easier to make good friends and have a great social life. Although Odense is a small city, you can easily find things to do with your friends.

Snow in the winter
- Well, everything is not perfect in Denmark... The worst part is the weather. Last year there was a lot of snow – although people here say that normally it is not that bad.

Anyway, I would definitely encourage future students to study abroad, and in my opinion Odense would be a good choice.

Last Updated 22.05.2024