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Surface science lab

High vacuum thin-film deposition machines with state of-the-art surface characterisation equipment, a complete cluster deposition system and equipment for device performance characterisation.

Two researchers working at an artificial sun



The laboratory hosts various high vacuum thin-film deposition machines with state of-the-art surface characterisation equipment. Thin-films, either continuous or nanostructured, can be formed from metals, semiconductors and dielectrics possessing a variety of properties.
The laboratory also hosts a complete cluster deposition system connected to a glovebox for the development of organic solar cells and light-emitting devices, along with equipment for device performance characterisation. In addition, equipment for microfluidics is available. Thin-film characterisation includes electrical and optical as well as chemical analysis.


Services for companies

  • Deposition of metal, organic and hybrid thin-films with a variety of properties useful for device technology, surface coatings, etc.
  • Analysis of surface coatings and thin-films with focus on optoelectronic and chemical properties.

Technical specification of equipment

  • Glovebox-connected cluster deposition tool with organic evaporation, thermal evaporation and reactive sputtering chambers
  • High-vacuum deposition systems, focused on organic small molecules and e-beam evaporation of various compounds
  • Solar simulators of different classes
  • Climate chambers
  • Electrical characterisation tools, e.g. transient electrical tools, standard J-V and PV quantum efficiency tools
  • Optical characterisation tools, e.g. photoluminescence, FTIR UV-VIS absorption and optical microscopes
  • Tools for microfluidic chip fabrication

Further tools are available, please contact us for more details.



Morten Madsen
Professor, head of centre
SDU CAPE - Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics and Thin-film Energy Devices 
Mads Clausen Institute

T +45 6550 1621

Editing was completed: 29.01.2020