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The Law of Society

In this research group, we generate high-quality knowledge about how law works on society and how society affects law. Research quality, academic and societal impact are central focal points for the group's research. Research results are obtained both using forensic methods, including legal methodology, as well as other social sciences such as qualitative (document analysis, interview, ethnographic fieldwork) and quantitative (questionnaire, register data). The analytical dimension at the micro, meso, and macro levels is illuminated using theories developed mainly in sociology and philosophy. The provision of legal dogmatic research results is based on the legal method.

The group's research results are relevant to academia, practice and citizens. Knowledge for academia is disseminated through (predominantly) peer-reviewed journals, both national and international. Examples include Retfærd, Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab (NTfK), Tidsskrift for Kriminalret (TfK) and BFI-giving journals relevant to the specific topic. In addition, the members of the group participate in national and international conferences with presentations of papers. Knowledge for practice (and academia) is disseminated, among other things, in ugeskrift for Retsvæsen (UfR), Juristen as well as in monographs, anthologies and textbooks, which are also practice-based. Knowledge to citizens is disseminated through group members' contributions to societal debates on different media platforms (newspaper, radio, TV, podcast, blog post) and the preparation of research reports that are made immediately available to citizens.

Here you can see a list of the members of the research group.

Research themes in the group

  • Law and Marginalization (ghettoisation and legal aid)
  • Punishment and Society

If you would like to contact a researcher within these research themes, please refer to our expert list.

Last Updated 21.02.2024