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RAPID - Robotic Arterial Puncture and Insertion Device (2022-2024)

Every year >23M people die due to time-critical health conditions such as cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and traumatic injuries. As an estimated majority of these critical emergencies happen outside specialized hospitals, most of these deaths are a direct result of the lack of time in which emergency procedures can be delivered to these patients. Among the top life-saving procedures are heart catheters, hemorrhage control & extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), which today are performed via the femoral artery as the standard of care. However, the femoral artery procedures can only be achieved by Specialized Physicians (SP) available in specialized hospitals.



To address this unmet need, the RAPID project aims to develop the first portable vascular robot, which provides means for the insertion of a needle into the femoral artery. By increasing early access to life-saving procedures, the RAPID project aims to decrease emergency mortality by 25%, corresponding to 1.780 lives saved annually in Denmark (DK) and 271.500 lives saved annually in the EU. The RAPID project is a Grand Solutions research project granted by Innovation Fund Denmark in 2022 with three partners: NEURESCUE ApS, SDU Robotics and Rigshospitalet.

Read more here (in Danish)


Professor Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu

Postdoc Zhuoqi Cheng

Project Partners

  • SDU Robotics
  • Rigshospitalet

SDU Robotics University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230

Last Updated 24.02.2023