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Mindfulness in the workplace – a path to well-being and a good working environment?

Project title

Mindfulness in the workplace – a path to well-being and a good working environment? A project on the implementation of adapted Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in private companies

Project managers

Eva Gemzøe Mikkelsen 

Project description


The aim of the project is to:

1. Design and describe a replicable intervention for private companies based on MBSR involving company representatives and mindfulness experts
2. to carry out systematic process evaluation in four private companies by a) evaluating implementation and b) investigating potential change mechanisms using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
3. evaluate changes in relevant outcome measures, e.g. mental health and work environment and cultural factors in the companies (negative acts, social capital, psychological safety);

Stress is a growing public health problem. The total socio-economic costs of work-related stress are estimated at between DKK 2.3 billion and DKK 14.7 billion annually. Accordingly, preventing stress and promoting mental health at work is important.

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a well-defined intervention with documented effects on quality of life, stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression. MBSR is an 8-week program with weekly group meetings led by a qualified MBSR teacher. The program's purpose is to implement mindfulness in participants' lives.

Mindfulness is about being consciously aware in the present moment in an open, interested, and non-judgmental way, which allows for self-regulation of reactive actions, among other things. Research shows that MBSR affects a wide range of outcomes for mental health and work-related stress. Mindfulness reduces both general psychological stress and work-related stress, which is believed to occur through a reduced experience of stressors and an increased experience of being able to cope with them.

In addition, it is believed that mindfulness can help improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace. This could reduce stress and help reduce the risk of serious interpersonal stressors such as conflict and negative acts.

Four small and medium-sized private enterprises participates in the project. Prior to and after the MBSR course, the companies' employees and managers complete a questionnaire and selected employees and managers participate in group interviews.

The interventions
All employees and managers in the participating companies participate in a 2-hour information meeting after which they decide whether to participate in the MBSR program or not. The program consists of 10 1.5-hour weekly sessions delivered live-online by a trained MBSR teacher.

Process evaluation
The project includes process evaluation which explores factors stimulating or obstructing the implementation and effect of the intervention. In addition, the project will evaluate the effect of the intervention on individual-based outcomes on mental health as well as the effect on interpersonal outcomes including social capital, psychological safety, and negative actions.

The project yields important knowledge about the feasibility of implementing customized MBSR in private companies, the effects of such and the mechanisms involved. In addition to contributing with knowledge about the potential public health effect of MBSR, the project also contributes with new knowledge about potential spill-over effects of MBSR in working environments and which organizational conditions such an effect is conditioned by.

Project period

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2022

The project is carried out under

THRIVE Research Group


Associate professor Lise Juul (main applicant, Aarhus University, AU), Ph.d.-student Emilie Hasager Bonde (AU), Associate professor Lone Fjorback (AU)
Project 2016-051- 000001/1715 


Velliv Foreningen

Last Updated 25.04.2024