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Sensors and Microfluidics

Based on plasmonic metasurfaces, we design and realize nanometer-thin optical components with novel functionalites. Plasmonic metasurfaces are two-dimensional arrays of subwavelength-spaced metal nanoparticles that allow for new degrees of light control over nanometer dimensions. As such, metasurfaces constitute a platform for realization of flat optical components, such as wave plates and lenses, which might find applications within compact photonic systems. Moreover, by properly engineering of the metallic nanoparticles metasurfaces may show functionalities not achievable with conventional (i.e., natural) materials.

At SDU Nano Optics, we focus on a specific type of plasmonic metasurface that works in reflection, which we have tailored to a broad range of functionalities, ranging from wave plates and flat parabolic mirrors, via polarization-controlled redirection of light and excitation of surface plasmon polaritons, to analog computations on light fields and new polarimetric designs.

Mads Clausen Institute University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - 5230

Last Updated 03.07.2020