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Boye Lagerbon Jensen

Professor, Head of Institute

Phone: +4565503796

Research area
Boye Jensen studied modes of renin release from the kidney at integrated and cellular level. The role of renin-angiotensin system in kidney development and blood pressure control has been an area of interest. The role of renal cyclooxygenases for Na excretion, renin release and kidney development has been studied in genetically modified mice, rats and in patient studies. By extensive collaboration, a unique biobank of human nephrectomy tissue has been established with depts.. of pathology and urology, OUH, and used for investigations of renal Na+ and water transport proteins. Since 2010 a major interest has been proteolytic activation of the epithelial Na+ channel in the kidneys in physiology and in proteinuria disease as e.g. diabetic nephropathy and preeclampsia. In collaborative human intervention studies and observational studies the findings have established a role for urinary proteases in hypertension and edema formation.
Methods and Techniques
qRT-PCR,  western blotting, immunohistochemistry, RIA and ELISA detection of hormones and transmitters –particularly the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, human intervention studies with blood pressure recordings and dietary salt intake modifications and 24 urine collections.
2-4 PhD students, usually 1-2 pregraduate/master students, 2-4 bachelorstudents/semester, 1-2 technical assistant on extramural funding
Physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology for medical, biomedical, population health science and pharmacy students
Collaborations outside department:
Consultant Claus Bistrup, Dept of Nephrology, OUH
Prof. Jan S Jørgensen, Dept Obstetrics, OUH
Associate prof. Mattias Carlstrom, Karolinska Institute, Univ. of Stockholm, Sweden
Consultants Ib Abildgaard Jacobsen, Jan E. Henriksen, Dept Endocrinology, OUH
Prof Niels Marcussen Dept of Clinical Pathology, OUH
Profs Frank Schvweda and Armin Kurtz, University of Regensburg, Germany
Consultants Reza Zamani, Anja Toft and Prof. Lars Lund, Dept of Urology, OUH
Prof Tianxin Yang, Salt Lake City USA
Membership in Societies
Danish Medical Association
Scandinavian Physiological Society
Danish Society of Pharmacology
Danish Hypertension Society
Danish Nephrology Society
American Physiological Society
Selected publications
Total of 145 peer-reviewed original contributions, 53 publications in 2010-2015;
Total of 2950 Citations; h-Index: 30 (Source: ISI Web of Science.)