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Danish Centre for Rural Research - CLF

International evaluation of CLF

In 2010 CLF was evaluated twice

First the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, commissioned an international evaluation with focus on research activities. The evaluation panel consisted of professor Hilkka Vihinen, Economic Research, Agrifood Research Finland (MTT), Helsinki, Finland, and professor Reidar Almås, Centre for Rural Research, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. You can read the evaluation report here.  

A second evaluation was commissioned by the Ministry of Interior and Health and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries who are providing the basic funding of CLF. This evaluation had a focus on stakeholders’ attitudes and opinions and on the organisation internally and the relation towards the external board of directors. The evaluation was conducted by Oxford Research Ltd. and took place as both a questionnaire to more than 800 stakeholders and interviews with employees and board of directors. Overall the evaluation report gave a very positive judgement of activities. Most stakeholders (91%) agreed or mostly agreed that the quality of work at the centre is characterised by a high quality. A majority of stakeholders expressed that they actively used CLF’s work as a source of inspiration. At the same time many stakeholders asked for a higher degree of visibility and also a deepening of the research and more focus on settlement issues and business economic aspects. The report is in Danish and can be downloaded here.
Editing was completed: 23.05.2011