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Empower 2.0

EMPOWER 2.0 (Enabling More People’s OWnership in Energy tRansition) is a project funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is stimulating the adoption of new products, services and processes to reduce the environmental footprint of regions around the North Sea. The objective of the project is to support development of tools and methods that enable more consumers across the EU to generate electricity for their own consumption, to store it, share it, consume it or to sell it back to the market. The purpose is to enable households and businesses to become more involved in the energy system, to better control their energy consumption and to respond to price signals.

The EMPOWER 2.0 project partners come from the North Sea Region, and Denmark is represented by the Municipality of Middelfart and CIM.

During the EMPOWER project, several pilots in different countries are considered as ‘ambassadors’ for empowering citizens. Denmark’s pilot is the district heating system of Føns (a small village in the municipality of Middelfart) with more than 50 houses. The current system only uses woodchips boilers for heating up the water, but the future plan is to use heat-pumps and possible sustainable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind energy.

The role of CIM is to carry out research on modelling the available district heating system, install an infrastructure to measure, monitor and analyze the data, and the outcome will help empower citizens about solutions for saving energy and improving the system.

More information can be found on the project's official website and by contacting Associate Professor Hossein Ramezani,

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Last Updated 03.03.2021