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Start of studies

1 September



The education is offered at SDU Kolding.


Application deadline

1 March for admission 1 September.


Number of places until 1 September 2023

50 seats


Duration of the education

The normal study plan includes an ECTS load of 30 ECTS per year depending on the size of the subjects and being held in autumn/spring semesters.


Study activity

If you are enrolled in a 120 ECTS framework (with, for example, an HA background), you must have completed the program no later than 4.5 years after the start of your studies.

If you are enrolled on a 140 ECTS framework (with an HD-R or HD-F background), you must have completed the program no later than 5 years after the start of your studies.

You must pass tests of at least 20 ECTS per academic year.


The teaching

The teaching generally takes place during the day.

The teaching is structured so that for one subject there is teaching one day a week.

For the introductory business economics subjects, these are placed in the 1-4 semesters of the education with one ECTS load per semester of 5 ECTS (see under the structure of the programme).



The vocational master's degree is not subject to a participation fee. However, you cannot claim SU.



The exam follows the general rules for holding exams for full-time programs at SDU.

Specifications about the individual exams can be found in the subject descriptions.

Possibilities for transition between the different cand.merc.aud. education course:


Change from vocational candidate to cand.merc.aud. full-time course:

Should you be in the situation that you no longer meet the requirement for employment, the university will automatically offer you to be transferred to the full-time course from the start of the next semester.

Change from cand.merc.aud. full-time for the business candidate:

If you get relevant employment during your full-time studies and are therefore interested in switching to the vocational master's programme, you must apply for this as a regular admission, i.e. from the next recording per 1 September of the following year.