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FNUG forskningsseminar den 14. marts 


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Yunchen Sun, postdoc på Linköping Universitet, holder oplæg med titlen:

Generative AI for STEM educators in Swedish HEIs

As generative AI, exemplified by tools like ChatGPT, became ubiquitous in late 2022, Swedish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) united to formulate guidelines and recommendations for its integration into education. In this practice-oriented presentation, we explore the implications for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) educators in Swedish HEIs and how they have adjusted their teaching routines to meet the challenges posed by generative AI, particularly in course design and examination. The focus is on practical strategies and examples employed by STEM educators to maintain academic integrity and quality.




Emanuela Marchetti, ph.d., lektor, og Shanice Marie Otersen, BioLab instruktør, Spinderihallerne, Vejle holder oplæg med titlen:

STEAM Education in Danish High Schools

This presentation will focus on a project called Taxonomies in Spinderihallerne. It explores a STEAM framework in collaboration with gymnasiums, by using methods of combining botanical painting, ink making, and code to investigate, understand, and share our knowledge on about nature and natural sciences.



Her finder du Yunchen Suns slides

Her finder du Shanice Marie Otersens slides

Yunchen Sun, postdoc, Institut for Ledelse og Ingeniørvidenskab på Linköping Universitet.

Her finder du Yunchen Suns oplæg

Yunchen Sun

Kontakt her

Emanuela Marchetti, ph.d., lektor på Institut for Design, Medier og Uddannelsesvidenskab, tilknyttet FNUG.

Emanuela Marchetti

Kontakt her

Shanice Marie Otersen, designer, projektleder i BioLab, Spinderihallerne i Vejle.

Her finder du Shanices oplæg fra seminaret

Shanice Marie Otersen

Sidst opdateret: 02.05.2024