Vold mod børn: Hvordan kommer vi videre?
I år havde fornøjelsen af at byde velkommen til Videnscenterets egne eksperter på området. Dette emne blev belyst fra flere vinkler, og satte fokus på vold mod børn som en samfundsproblematik samt hvilke redskaber og tilgange, der kan bruges for at gøre en reel forskel for de børn, der udsættes for vold.
The conference featured presentations from experts such as Professor Ask Elklit and lecturers Maria Louison Vang, Sille Schandorph Løkkegaard, and Sarah Dokkedahl from the Danish Center of Psychotraumatology, all of whom contributed important insights into child abuse. Additionally, several poster presentations provided new perspectives and approaches to helping children living with violence. These all offered interesting insights into the topic of child abuse and how these insights can contribute new approaches that may make a real difference for children living with violence.
Presentations of the day
The day's speakers included experts from the Danish Center of Psychotraumatology, each contributing knowledge from their areas of expertise. In total, there were 4 speakers.
Professor Ask Elklit provided an introduction and a historical framework as well as an overview of the status of child abuse in Denmark. Lecturer Sille Schandorph Løkkegaard introduced developmentally-sensitive assessment and treatment of traumatized children, Lecturer Sarah Bøgelund Dokkedahl spoke about physical and psychological violence in families as well as the treatment of the perpetrators of violence, while Lecturer Maria Louison Vang focused on measuring and defining violence and its related consequences.
Lecturer Maria Louison Vang opened the day with a welcome address, followed by the presentations. Below, you can get an overview of the conference presentations.
Measuring and defining violence and its consequences & Child abuse in Denmark: a historical overview and current status
Lecturer Maria Louison Vang, together with Professor Ask Elklit, opened this year’s conference with a focus on measuring and defining violence and its related consequences. Professor Ask Elklit provided an introduction and historical framework, as well as the current status of child abuse in Denmark.
Lecturer Maria Louison Vang, the Danish Center of Psychotraumatology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Senior Researcher at the Department of Occupational- and Environmental Medicine at Odense University Hospital, OUH, Odense.
Professor Ask Elklit, the Danish Center of Psychotraumatology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense..
Developmental-sensitive assessment and treatment of traumatized children
Lecturer Sille Schandorph Løkkegaard introduced developmental-sensitive assessment and treatment of traumatized children.
Lecturer Sille Schandorph Løkkegaard, the Danish Center of Psychotraumatology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense.
Physical and psychological violence in families, treatment of perpetrators
Lecturer Sarah Bøgelund Dokkedahl gave a presentation on physical and psychological violence in families and the treatment of perpetrators.
Lecturer Sarah Bøgelund Dokkedahl, the Danish Center of Psychotraumatology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense.
The conference concluded with a combined presentation by Professor Ask Elklit and Lecturer Sille Schandorph Løkkegaard, who together summarized the content of the conference and thanked the contributors and participants. Additionally, posters presenting current and completed projects related to child welfare were displayed.
A big thank you is extended to the volunteers and assistants, who were indispensable and contributed to making this year’s conference well-organized and successful.
If you are interested in obtaining the materials and slides related to the presentations, you can contact the following email for access: psykotraume@health.sdu.dk