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IVL - Forskning

Mette Præst Knudsen (et al.): Fire rapporter om droner i Danmark


This series of publications bring into focus a range of opportunities and challenges related to the implementation of drones for civil and commercial purposes in a Danish context. The aim of the publications is to inform existing and potential new businesses, inventors, investors, and policy makers about the prospects of the Danish drone industry to gain speed.

They present a range of cases highlighting various actual and potential uses of drones as well as the status and expectations of the Danish drone industry. The work is sponsored by Innovation Fund Denmark (1 + 2) and The Danish Industry Foundation (3 + 4).


1. Drones for offshore and maritime missions: Opportunities and barriers

2. Drones for inspection of infrastructure: Barriers, opportunities and successful uses

3. Status and expectations of the Danish drone industry: An ecosystem perspective

4. Drones for pubic safety and emergency response operations: Actual and planned use

Læs pressemeddelelsen ’Nu slippes dronerne løs over Fyn’ her.

Sidst opdateret: 19.07.2022