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Laila Kjærbæk & Marit C. Clausen (2023). Indsatsmodel for sprogligt udsatte børn.
Center for Sprog og Læring, Syddansk Universitet.
Bishop, D.V.M. m.fl. (2016). CATALISE: A Multinational and Multidisciplinary Delphi Consensus Study. Identifying language impairments in children. PLoS One 11(7): e0158753.
Bishop, D.V.M. m.fl. (2017). Phase 2 of CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 58(10), 1068-1080.
Ebbels, S.H. m.fl. (2019). Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 54(1), 3-19.
Norbury, CourtenayFraizer, Debbie Gooch, Charlotte Wray, Gillian Baird, Tony Charman, Emily Simonoff, George Vamvakas & Andrew Pickles (2016). The impact of nonverbal ability on prevalence and clinicalpresentation of languagedisorder: Evidence from a population study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 57(11), 1247-1247.
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