When was the first time life began to predate on each other?
In the early oceans billions of years ago organisms lived peacefully side by side. Today, there are predators among us - when and how did this change happen? New research indicates that our single-celled ancestors began to feed on each other almost a billion years earlier than previously thought.
Meet the researcher
Donald E. Canfield is a professor at the Department of Biology. He is interested in which biological, chemical and geological conditions allowed life to rise on Earth. His research is supported by the Villum Foundation.
Finding the hidden clues in rocks
Learn more about the methods behind research into the development of life on Earth
Evolution of life
3.8 billion years ago
First life on Earth, primitive prokaryote cells.
3.2 billion years ago
Photosynthesis evolved, but without oxygen production.
2.7-2.5 billion years ago
Oxygen-producing cyanobacteria evolved.
1.7-2.0 billion years ago
The first eukaryotes evolved (unicellular organisms with a cell nuclei). Some of these would have been “predators” feeding on other organisms. These are the ancestors of all higher life forms, living on Earth today.
1.6-1.7 billion years ago
Algal photosynthesis evolved.
600-700 million years ago
The first animals evolved.
540-530: million years ago
The Cambrian Explosion. Many new animals; jellyfish, arachnids, worms, etc.
520 million years ago
Fish evolved.
230 million years ago
Reptiles and dinosaurs.
130 million years ago
Flowers and bees.
55 million years ago
200.000 years ago
Homo Sapiens.