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  • 25.01.2025

    FNUG Publications in 2024

    FNUGs forskere har i løbet af 2024 bidraget med adskillige forskningsartikler, bøger og bogkapitler. Herunder et lille uddrag

  • 07.01.2025

    FNUG Is Growing

    The team at FNUG is growing

  • 06.01.2025

    Development of the Learning Environment at the SDU Vejle Campus

    Design-based methods and systemic models have been the main points of focus.

  • 21.10.2024

    Professor Connie Svabo is keynote speaker at the DASERA Seminar

    At the DASERA seminar on connectedness to nature, aesthetic learning processes, and identity, Professor Connie Svabo, head of FNUG, will give the closing presentation

  • 08.10.2024

    The Girl and the Black Lake

    An interview with Karen Bollingberg about her PhD project and her path from geologist to researcher of science educational play and learning environments.

  • 08.10.2024

    On a Quest for Mathematical Awareness

    An interview with Søren Krogh Hansen, PhD student at FNUG, Center for Research in Science Education and Communication, IMADA, SDU.

  • 08.10.2024

    The Girl and the Black Lake

    An interview with Karen Bollingberg about her PhD project and her path from geologist to researcher of science educational play and learning environments.

  • 07.10.2024

    Talk by Professor Darlene Cavalier

    Honorary Fellow at SDU, affiliated with the Center for Research in Science Education and Communication (FNUG) and Citizen Science Knowledge Center, Darlene Cavalier, is giving a talk “Citizen Science, deliberative democracy, and the future of public engagement in science”, on October 11, 2024.

  • 22.08.2024

    Professor Connie Svabo is giving a presentation on developing "Wicked Scientists"

    Professor Connie Svabo, Head of FNUG, is giving a presentation at the conference in transforming university education with a focus on sustainability, climate change and the green transition on 23rd of October 2024 at the Royal Danish Academy of Science.

  • 22.08.2024

    SDU professor plays a key role in a historically large research programme

    The Centre for Research in Science Education and Communication, led by Professor Connie Svabo, is a strategic partner in the newly established Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for University Science Education, which, with a grant of DKK 125 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, represents one of the largest investments in science didactics research on a global scale.

  • 21.05.2024

    From Hairdresser to Researcher

    An interview with Maiken Westen Holm Svendsen, PhD student at the Center for Research in Science Education and Communication (FNUG), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA)

  • 01.05.2024

    New Honorary Fellow at University of Southern Denmark

    Darlene Cavalier has been appointed by the Faculty of Science in collaboration with Citizen Science Knowledge Center as an Honorary Fellow for a 5-year period.

  • 30.01.2024

    The Center is Expanding

    In 2023, as many as six PhD students have been assigned to FNUG, and the staff is growing. An adjunct researcher has joined, and the center has been visited by a number of visiting researchers.

  • 30.01.2024

    FNUG Publications in 2023

    During 2023, FNUG's researchers have authored several research articles, books and book chapters. Below you will find a small excerpt

  • 04.01.2024

    What we know and understand, we care for

    The stay-at-home mom and sustainability enthusiast who chose to use her powers for research in science education. An interview with Katrine Bergkvist Borch, PhD student at the Research Center for Science Education and Communication at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, SDU.

  • 04.10.2023

    Art-based Science Research

    In today's academic landscape, there is a growing consensus that research should incorporate exploratory, creative, and artistic practices. At FNUG, we explore methods within art and design-based research and connect them with practices in science and mathematics education research.

  • 04.10.2023

    The first laboratories in LabSTEM+ have started

    The first laboratories in LabSTEM+ have started at schools in Vejle, Sønderborg and Odense. The project works for a higher quality in the teaching of mathematics and science in primary school education and in youth and vocational education

  • 26.09.2023

    Guests at FNUG make presentations at FNUG Foundations

    In September, two guest researchers from Germany will visit FNUG: Malte Michelsen, Science Staff at Institute of Science Education, Leibniz University Hannover, and Axel Langner, Science Staff at Institute of Chemistry Education, Justus Liebig University Giessen.

  • 20.08.2023

    The Budding Writer who Embarked on a Journey into Sensuous Mathematics

    An interview with Amalie Thorup Eich-Høy, who is a Ph.D. student at the Research Center for Science Education and Communication (FNUG), SDU

  • 12.06.2023

    Stanford Mathematician to be Adjunct Professor at SDU

    Can there be a (mathematically-grounded) “physics” of learning?" is the title of Dr. Keith Devlins Inaugural Lecture as an Adjunct Professor at IMADA

  • 24.04.2023

    Visit by guest researcher Professor Nancy Longnecker

    Professor of Science Communication Nancy Longnecker from the University of Otaga, New Zealand visited SDU April 17.-20., with FNUG as her host

  • 01.03.2023

    Associate Professor Inmaculada Navarro Gonzalez is a Guest Researcher at IMADA

    Guest Researcher Inmaculada Navarro Gonzalez will visit IMADA in the period from March 1 to May 31 2023. During her visit, she will be a guest at the Centre for Research in Science Education and Communication, where Associate Professor Chunfang Zhou will be her host

  • 10.02.2023

    New Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

    Dorte Moeskær Larsen started on 1 February 2023 as an assistant professor at the Center for Research in Science Education and Communication (FNUG). She has great expertise in mathematics didactics and STEM, and in how STEM can be used to create inquiry-based mathematics education driven by curiosity.

  • 22.09.2022

    Keith Devlin, Mathematician Emeritus at Stanford University Professor holds Open Lecture

    The lecture ‘The Emergence and Development of Mathematical Thinking in Human Society’ was given by Professor Keith Devlin from Stanford University. The lecture is a part of course History of Mathematics in Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Southern Denmark (SDU).

  • 02.09.2022

    New three-year LSUL partnership

    The parties behind Laboratory for STEM Education and Learning (LSUL) – UCL University College, University College South Denmark and the Faculty of Science at SDU – will continue and further develop their longstanding collaboration.

  • 08.07.2022

    Chunfang Zhou as guest presenter at BMBs annual teaching seminar

    August 22, Chunfang Zhou will be guest presenter at the annual teaching seminar for the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB), in collaboration with Cita Nøregård from SDUUP. The theme ‘Creativity - what it is and how can we teach it?’ is the key area of Chunfang’s research at IMADA.

  • 16.06.2022

    ’The Math Guy’ - Adjunct Professor from Stanford

    Mathematician Keith Devlin from Stanford University has been named Adjunct professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, starting 1st of August 2022.

  • 29.04.2022

    Creativity in STEM Education: A lecture by Chunfang Zhou

  • 21.04.2022

    Archive of Network Meetings for Danish Science Education Researchers

    Danish Science Education Researchers meet for Webinars in the network in STEM Education (NiSE), organized by th Center of Excellence in Science Education (CESE/NAFA) and Centre for Research in Science Education and Communication (FNUG). The recordings and materials from the webinars are stored here. Some of the webinars are in Danish.

  • 26.11.2021

    New grant for Space Club SDU from the Danish Technology Pact

    With a grant from the Danish Technology Pact, lecturers and students at University of Southern Denmark will be involved in the future development of STEM teaching in space science.

  • 12.11.2021

    LabSTEM conference 2021

    On Thursday, 28 October, 140 educators, teachers and supervisors from primary and lower secondary schools and youth education programmes, employees and students from university colleges and universities as well as consultants from the whole of Denmark gathered for a LabSTEM conference in Odense with large-scale live communication of how Mathematics can be integrated with S, T and E in STEM.

  • 01.11.2021

    What is the culinary experience like when the food is served on a petri dish?

    When SDU was visited by CESE’s management on 1 November 2021, dining, dissemination of knowledge and design came together.

  • 16.10.2021

    Experienced development of PCK in natural science/technology – also a collegiate and material matter

    Jens Jakob Ellebæk defends his PhD project ‘Oplevet udvikling af Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) i natur/teknologi’ (Experienced development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in natural science/technology) at SDU on 21 October 2021.

  • 04.10.2021

    From STEM to space travel

    There are still a number of challenges in integrating the basic ideas behind STEM in the education system. One challenge is that subject professionals and pupils may have difficulty seeing the benefits of this. Here, Denmark’s strong research environments in space research can provide inspiration.

  • 30.09.2021

    Interdisciplinary STEM teaching

    Three researchers’ views on how to develop teaching through co-creation and ease the transfer burden from the young people’s shoulders.

  • 16.09.2021

    Pupils understand subjects better by developing models

    To study and strengthen pupils’ modelling competences in mathematics and science subjects, Claus Auning, Associate Professor and PhD, has worked with two assignments in several lower secondary school classes: percolation of water in different soil layers in connection with cloudburst and an imploded tanker. The work with developing models helps pupils understand phenomena and apply abstract knowledge.

  • 03.09.2021

    Head of CESE is from SDU

    On 1 October, Gitte Miller Balslev starts as head of the newly established Center of Excellence in Science Education (CESE), which will handle the research part of the investment in Science Academy NAFA, which runs into millions. The NAFA programme aims to promote motivating and rewarding science education in primary and lower secondary schools.

  • 03.09.2021

    The role of mathematics in STEM

    There is growing concern about the role of mathematics in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics). A concern that it will fade into the background and not get the attention it should have as a key component in all science subjects.

  • 05.07.2021

    The high school teacher who became a top researcher

    Professor Claus Michelsen has spent a long research life putting practical mathematics teaching on the agenda. Now he is – almost – ready to retire.

  • 21.01.2013

    New PhD Fellow at NAMADI

  • 01.01.0001

    LabSTEM Conference Odense

    At the LabSTEM conference in Odense, you will meet LabSTEM participants from the entire region of Southern Denmark. They will present the STEM activities they have developed in the LabSTEM project. At the conference, there will also be presentations on STEM activities in day care, young people's STEM skills and STEM with food and gastrophysics.

  • 01.01.0001

    Online Sustainable Development Goals Forum

    Laboratory for Stem Education and Learning (LSUL) invites everyone to an online Sustainable Development Goals Forum on 1 December 2021 at 13.00-15.00 with presentations by postdocs Stine Mariegaard and Martin Hauberg-Lund Laugesen. The Sustainable Development Goals Forum is held on ZOOM and is open to all interested parties.