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DIAS Chairs edit special Bob Dylan-issue

Chairs of Humanities Anne-Marie Mai and Klaus Petersen has edited a special issue of Aktualitet with an exclusive focus on Dylans influence and inspiration between art and research

The purpose of this collection is to show how the 80-year-old songwriter, musician and Nobel Prize Winner has inspired scholars from different fields such as musicology, literary studies, art history and cultural studies and even biomedicine. The issue contains essays based on papers from the panel “Tangled up in Dylan” organized by Mai at the Dylan@80 Virtual Conference, held at The Bob Dylan Institute, Tulsa University in May 2021. Senior Fellow of Business and Social Sciences Pieter Vanhuysse has also contributed to the edition.

The essays and panel are a step towards developing new interdisciplinary approaches at Danish Institute for Advanced Study, stimulating scientific curiosity and cooperation between arts, humanities, social and natural sciences.

You can read the full issue here.

Redaktionen afsluttet: 23.08.2021