New Advisory Board in DIAS
We are very happy to welcome onboard a very competent team of resources; Henrik Tvarnø, Bente Klarlund Pedersen, Robbert Dijkgraaf and Peter Baldwin.
After thorough work during the summer, we can finally present the four new members of the Advisory Board, who will meet this December. We look forward to hear their thoughts and recommendations so that we can continue the work to make DIAS even better.
cand.phil. in History and Director (until October 1 2020) for the A.P. Møller Foundation (A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal). Furthermore, he is member of the board in Fondenes Videnscenter.
Also Director for Folketinget (2001-08) and vice-chancellor for the University of Southern Denmark from (1993-01).
Bente Klarlund Pedersen
Clinical Professor and Senior Resident of Integrative Medicine at Department of Clinical Medicine and Adjunct Professor at University of Southern Denmark.
Furthermore, she is affiliated to Centre for Physical Activity Research (CFAS) and has published a number of books about the benefits of physical activity.
Robbert Dijkgraaf
Director of the Institute for Advanced Study and Leon Levy Professor at Princeton and tenured professor at the University of Amsterdam.
He received the Iris Medal for Science Communication in 2019, the Comenius Prize in 2012 and has received honorary degrees from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2019), Leiden University (2018), and Radboud University Nijmegen (2013).
Peter Baldwin
Global professor at Center for European and Mediterranean Studies at New York University, and writer of several books about Europe. Vice Chair of the Center for Jewish History.
Furthermore, he is co-founder of the Arcadia Fund, member of the New York Public Library’s Board of Trustees, of the Board of Directors of the American Council of Learned Societies.
Do you want to meet the rest of DIAS? Se all affiliated researchers right here.
Meet the members
Chairman Henrik Tvarnøcand.phil. in History and Director (until October 1 2020) for the A.P. Møller Foundation (A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal). Furthermore, he is member of the board in Fondenes Videnscenter.
Also Director for Folketinget (2001-08) and vice-chancellor for the University of Southern Denmark from (1993-01).
Bente Klarlund Pedersen
Clinical Professor and Senior Resident of Integrative Medicine at Department of Clinical Medicine and Adjunct Professor at University of Southern Denmark.
Furthermore, she is affiliated to Centre for Physical Activity Research (CFAS) and has published a number of books about the benefits of physical activity.
Robbert Dijkgraaf
Director of the Institute for Advanced Study and Leon Levy Professor at Princeton and tenured professor at the University of Amsterdam.
He received the Iris Medal for Science Communication in 2019, the Comenius Prize in 2012 and has received honorary degrees from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2019), Leiden University (2018), and Radboud University Nijmegen (2013).
Peter Baldwin
Global professor at Center for European and Mediterranean Studies at New York University, and writer of several books about Europe. Vice Chair of the Center for Jewish History.
Furthermore, he is co-founder of the Arcadia Fund, member of the New York Public Library’s Board of Trustees, of the Board of Directors of the American Council of Learned Societies.
Do you want to meet the rest of DIAS? Se all affiliated researchers right here.