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Søren Askegaard

Chair of Business and Social Sciences
Department of Business & Management


PhD. Professor Søren Askegaard is the founder of the research unit Consumption, Culture and Commerce the Department of Business & Management at SDU and currently president of the international Consumer Culture Theory Consortium

This research unit is today one of the leading global hubs in Consumer Culture Theory. He is past Associate Editor (2008-14) of consumer research’s leading journal, The Journal of Consumer Research, as well as past or present editorial board member of other international leading journals. Among his initiatives beyond the research unit are the educational program (BSc) in Market and Management Anthropology (a globally unique program), the European Doctoral School of Consumer Culture Theorizing and the research-business collaboration platform Brand Base.

Professor Søren Askegaard’s work has been recognized through several prestigious research awards, including the Danish Marketing Research Award and the Danish Business Research Academy Award.

His research centers around the cultural logics of contemporary consumer culture. He has done research in various topics within this domain, including globalization processes, food and health in consumption, branding and commercial imagery and desire as a consumer cultural logic. He is currently interested in the Anthropos of consumption from a non-reductionist biosocial perspective. He is widely acknowledged for a critical, cross-disciplinary approach to consumption as a social phenomenon. He has published in several of the field’s leading journals and co-authored with some of the most outstanding researchers within consumer research. He is also the co-author of the last 20 years’ leading textbook in consumer behaviour in Europe.

For more information about Professor Søren Askegaard, please refer to the SDU Research Portal 

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