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N. Asger Mortensen

Chair of Physics
The Mads Clausen Institute


Dr. Professor N. Asger Mortensen is a VILLUM Investigator in the Centre for Nano Optics at SDU, being the PI of a major research program in quantum plasmonics with support from VILLUM FONDEN.

Prior to this, Professor N. Asger Mortensen was a full professor (faculty since 2004) at the Technical University of Denmark, from where he also obtained the MSc (1998), PhD (2001) and Dr. Techn. (2006) degrees, while the Dr. Scient. (2021) degree was awarded by University of Copenhagen.

He is an elected member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (KDVS), the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV), and the Danish Academy of Natural Sciences (DNA), while internationally he is an elected fellow of American Physical Society (APS), Optical Society of America (OSA), International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), Institute of Physics (IOP), and European Academy of Sciences (EurASc).

He has been recognized with many prestigious grants and awards, including the VILLUM Investigator Program and the Minister’s Elite Researcher prize. Most recently, the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) announced him as a Center of Excellence leader for a future center on polariton physics.

Professor N. Asger Mortensen has a background in theoretical and condensed-matter physics, while his research experience spans a much wider range of topics in physics and nanotechnology, bridging the often-postulated gap between fundamental and applied research. As an example, his Dr. Techn. degree was awarded for forefront applied research that was conducted as a Research Scientist in industry (Crystal Fibre, now NKT Photonics). More recently, he has been pioneering the theoretical description of nonlocal quantum phenomena in the optical response of matter, for which his Dr. Scient. degree was awarded.

For many years, Professor Mortensen was an Associate Editor of Optics Express (Optical Society of America), and he is currently an Associate Editor for Science Advances (American Association for the Advancement of Science).

For more information about Professor N. Asger Mortensen, please refer to the SDU Research Portal or

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