DIAS Forelæsning om clinical ethics support ved Prof. Reidar Pedersen
Den 20. april 2022 afholdte Professor Reidar Pedersen, leder af Centre for Medical Ethics på Oslo Universitet, oplæg med titlen “The development of clinical ethics support in Norwegian health care” på Syddansk Universitet i Odense. Seminaret blev organiseret af DIAS and Center for Sundhedsfilosofi og Etik.
The development of clinical ethics support in Norwegian health care
Modern health care faces numerous ethical dilemmas. Clinical ethics support services have been developed in many countries in the last decades. In 2021 the Norwegian parliament made clinical ethics committees in health care mandatory by law, probably as the first country in the world. In this lecture I will present the development of clinical ethics support in Norway the last 25 years leading up to this law. This will include a brief presentation of the main clinical ethical challenges in the Norwegian health care services the last decades, key measures taken to deal with these ethical challenges, the role of Centre for medical ethics at the University of Oslo, and important future tasks for the field of clinical ethics.
Se hele programmet her: www.conferencemanager.dk/reidarpedersen